These are some of the common symptoms of culture shock to look out for:
You miss your family and friends back home and you may want to be back in the familiarity of home.
Change in appetite or weight
Your eating and drinking habits have changed, and you are either eating and drinking too much, or not
eating much at all.
The littlest of things can make you mad, and sometimes yell out in frustration.
You have no desire to explore the new town or culture you are living in, and spend much of your time
Hostility and stereotyping
You do not like the people in your host country, and avoid making new friends.
Inability to work efficiently
You are low energy and are unmotivated to work on new projects.
Conflicts with others
You may find yourself in a bad mood and in more confrontations than usual.
Unexplained crying, depression, or feel out of control
You are depressed, and have unexplained crying. You may also notice physical problems related to stress
or anxiety, and may not feel like you are in control of your environment.
Vulnerable, fearful, or anxious
You feel scared, nervous, or vulnerable in your new environment or when talking to native people.
Headaches, pains, and allergies
Sleeping too much or too little
You are unwilling to leave your room or your bed.
Idealizing your own culture
You feel that everything was better back home.
Trying too hard
You become obsessed with the new culture in an effort to adapt.
Questioning your decision
You're no longer sure that choosing to study internationally was a good idea.