George Fox University International Student Insurance


George Fox University is located in the state of Oregon. It is a Christian university that has a supportive community that encourages academic rigor and spiritual growth, and is home to about 3,700 students each academic year. George Fox University requires students to have health insurance, and the university also provides Health and Counseling services on campus for all students. Along with needing to have Health Insurance all students are required to have received the measles/mumps/rebella (MMR) vaccination prior to attending class. This can be done prior to getting on to campus or for a fee can be done at the GFU Health and Counseling Center.

George Fox University has their own school health insurance plan but if you can find another, alternative health insurance plan, you can fill out a waiver form with the university.

This years deadline for waiving the school plan is August 15, 2016.

School Insurance Plan

The University has a student health insurance plan for all international students, called the George Fox University International Student Insurance Plan. It is provided by UnitedHealthcare, and the cost for this plan is $1,722.00 for 12 months of coverage. You can find full information about the plan through your school.

Alternative Insurance Coverage

Students are, however, allowed to purchase alternative insurance coverage, which could save you almost $1,000 per year! For a student aged between 18 and 29 years old, our plans for 12 months cost:

  • Smart – $764.40 per year
  • Budget – $1,066.52 per year
  • Select – $2,238.60 per year
  • Elite – $3,134.04 per year

For more details about the various plan levels, please visit our website. Your school currently allows international students to purchase their own coverage, and once you have purchased online you just need to complete the George Fox University Health Insurance waiver form before the deadline.

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Why Purchase Alternative Coverage?

There are many reasons why students will want to purchase alternative health insurance coverage, but the leading factor is that it will save you money!  Depending on which level of coverage our purchase through our plan, we can save you over $1,000 per year on your health insurance coverage when compared to your school’s insurance plan. The plan has also been accepted by your school, so there should be no problem in waiving coverage.

If you would like more information about our plan – please either visit our website or contact our customer support team!

Updated July 12 2016

Posted by Ross Mason

Ross is the Vice President of International Student Insurance, with over 15 years experience in the international education arena. A graduate from the Nottingham Trent University in the UK with a First in BSc (Hons) Business and Technology, Ross has lived all around the world including LA, New York, Boston, London, Hong Kong, Florida and Germany.

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