Why You Need Emergency Medical Evacuation Coverage

airport 11 blogWhen you’re traveling outside of your home country, you may be concerned about health insurance. If you get sick or injured you want to make sure you are protected in a foreign place. But what type of insurance do you need? Is regular health insurance enough? What most people don’t know is that traveling internationally comes with increased insurance benefit needs that you probably would not be compelled to have in your home country. These special international benefits are Emergency Medical Evacuation and Repatriation.

Emergency Medical Evacuation – When you’re far from home, it’s hard to know where the nearest medical facility is and/or if that facility can provide the kind of care you need in an emergency situation. Evacuation coverage typically covers expenses associated with a medical emergency that requires you to travel to find the nearest qualified medical facility. It also includes the cost of returning to your home country (in some cases) or back to the country where evacuation occurred.

This is not something most people consider when they aren’t traveling internationally. However, the expenses associated with an emergency medical evacuation can be quite expensive. The Sky Rescue Evacuation plan is an excellent option both as a basic travel insurance plan or as an add-on to a health insurance plan that covers you internationally. The plan also includes Emergency Reunion coverage, which pays for reasonable travel for a relative or friend to join you for support in case you are evacuated.

Repatriation– Also known as the Return of Mortal Remains, Repatriation is another important benefit that people often do not think about (or want to think about). Repatriation coverage will pay for the expenses associated with returning your body or ashes back to your home country in case you accidentally die during your travel. The Sky Rescue Evacuation plan also includes a Repatriation benefit in case the worst were to happen.

A lot of visas around the world require both Emergency Medical Evacuation and Repatriation coverage before you can enter the country. This applies to the  J-1 visa in the US and the Schengen visa in European countries. If you already have a plan that offers medical coverage internationally, the Sky Rescue will supplement your existing coverage to meet your requirements in most cases. You should also consider purchasing this coverage if it is not required, for your safety and for your family while you are traveling.

Posted by Victoria Troupe

Victoria is currently a marketing specialist with Envisage International. She has had the opportunity to live and study around the world, including Germany, Poland, and China. A native of Wyoming, Victoria received her Bachelor's degree from the University of Wyoming, her MBA from the University of North Florida and her Master's of Intercultural Communication from Fachhochschule Köln, in Cologne, Germany.

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