Fighting the Flu

fighting-the-fluThe US peak of flu season is here and it’s not passing by quietly. It has already become an epidemic according to the CDC and has killed 29 children/teens thus far.

International students especially need to ensure they are fighting the flu as best as possible. Attending class every day, living in close quarters and visiting the dining halls frequently can all contribute to the quick spread of this illness. If you develop one or more of the symptoms below, it could be the flu. Although most college students do not develop serious cases which require a doctor’s visit, this will depend on your personal health situation and strain of flu you develop. This year has produced a strain that tends to make the infected more ill than other strains. It is also advised to visit your doctor for further evaluation if you catch the flu and have a condition like kidney disease, liver disease, diabetes, blood disorders, heart problems or weak immune system that could cause increased complications.

A big part of fighting the flu means knowing what symptoms to be on the lookout for:

  • Fever of 100 °F or higher
  • Sore throat
  • Cough
  • Chills
  • Headache
  • Sore Muscles
  • Fatigue
  • Diarrhea and vomiting

If you are in the lucky bunch of international students who has not yet caught the flu, there are a few things that you can do to continue to keep fighting the flu:

Wash your hands frequently: Soap and water work best when possible. Ensure that you wash for at least 20 seconds. Carry hand sanitizer for when this is not an option.

Don’t touch your face: Touching your eyes, nose or mouth after you have touched someone or something with the flu virus can potentially lead to you catching the virus also.

Do not eat or drink after others: Even if they appear healthy, it is best to not share these items since an infected individual is contagious one day before symptoms even appear.

Use a tissue: Use a new one each time you sneeze or cough and be sure to throw it away immediately.

If you are in the not-so-lucky bunch and already have multiple symptoms, grab your student insurance card and visit the doctor if needed. If you want to make sure you have coverage in place for the next time you get sick, find out more about the Student Secure plan as an excellent option for international students – or contact an agent for assistance.

Posted by Bryanna Davis

Bryanna joined International Student Insurance in 2011 after returning to the United States from teaching English in China. Her interest in international education, sparked initially by her own study abroad experience in Wales, led her to the company. Bryanna is originally from Missouri and is a graduate from the University of Central Missouri.

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