Student Health Insurance for University of South Florida

The University of South Florida has selected ISI as a pre-approved insurance option for international students. Learn more and apply online to meet your school’s requirements.

Since it was founded in 1956, the University of South Florida has grown and become one of the largest public universities in the US with well over 45,000 students enrolled. Today, the university has more than 1,400 international students and 200 research scholars from over 150 countries around the world.

The University of South Florida, also known as USF, is located in Tampa. As one of Florida’s major metropolitan cities, Tampa has a lot to offer including many crystal clear beaches, world class museums, and even two major amusement parks. USF gives international students a great city to call home during their study in the US.

As with many major universities, international students are required to have health insurance while they are studying at University of South Florida. Every semester, international students consider the choices for their student health insurance for University of South Florida. International students have the choice of enrolling in the insurance plan that the university offers or purchasing their own health insurance plan that meets all the requirements listed on the university’s student health insurance compliance form.

International Student Insurance has a plan that is designed to provide coverage that meets the requirements for University of South Florida called the Student Secure-USF Plan. This student health insurance for University of South Florida provides comprehensive coverage for sicknesses and injuries including doctor visits, hospitalization, prescription medication, sports coverage, mental health, and pre-existing condition coverage (after a 6 month waiting period). This is a great choice for international students because it provides great coverage at a much more affordable price compared to the university’s plan. Here’s a comparison of the cost for USF’s insurance plan to the Student Secure-USF Plan for those ages 24 and younger:

USF Insurance plan cost – $2,957 per year

Student Secure plan cost – $741 per year

Total Saving- $2,215 per year

>>Apply Now

International Student Insurance has been pre-approved to offer the StudentSecure-USF plan and will meet all of your school’s insurance requirements. As long as you note that you are attending the University of South Florida on your application, you will not need to complete the USF student health insurance compliance form as we will take care of all of this for you!

If you choose to purchase your own insurance plan, you will need to have enrolled in the plan and submitted your waiver form by August 10, 2020 (returning students) or August 21, 2020 (new students). Be sure to complete this in advance otherwise you might get stuck buying the school’s expensive plan for another semester! If you have any questions, feel free to contact our International Student Insurance agents.

Updated 8/7/2020

Posted by ahoontrakul

Originally from Thailand, Apinant grew up in the United States and has extensive international experience traveling throughout Asia, Australia, North America and Europe. He has lived, studied and worked abroad in China, England, Taiwan and Thailand. Apinant is a graduate of the University of Florida with a Masters in International Business and a Bachelors of Science in Business Management.

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