Insurance for Study Abroad in Korea

South Korea has become well known around the world for its cars, consumer electronics and even their pop culture. For this reason it’s not hard to imagine why it is one of the top study abroad destinations in the East Asia region, 3rd after China and Japan. In the year 2009/2010 there was over 2,000 U.S. students studying abroad in Korea according to the most recent Open Doors Report.

In the past few decades the economy of South Korea has grown remarkably and today it is ranked number 13th as the largest in the world based on GDP.  Today, Korean is a major world player in the high-tech electronic industry and is famous for its consumer electronic brands such as Samsung and LG which makes products like HDTVs and smart phones. Not only that, Korean popular culture such as music, TV dramas and movies have brought even more interest to the country from across the world.

Just like any study abroad program, there is a chance that you may become sick or injured while overseas. All Koreans have a Korean national health insurance. However, if you are a foreigner you are ineligible unless you will be staying in Korea for more than one year. If you plan on staying less than one year, our insurance for study abroad in Korea would be able to provide you coverage in case you get hurt or injured while you are abroad. The plan covers doctor visits, hospitalization, prescription medication and more. If you plan on taking short trips to visit neighboring countries like China or Japan our insurance for study abroad in Korea plan will also covers you there as well.

So if your school or government is not already providing you with insurance, prepare in advance by purchasing an insurance for study abroad in Korea. If you have any questions about insurance for your upcoming trips feel free to contact us at any time.

Posted by ahoontrakul

Originally from Thailand, Apinant grew up in the United States and has extensive international experience traveling throughout Asia, Australia, North America and Europe. He has lived, studied and worked abroad in China, England, Taiwan and Thailand. Apinant is a graduate of the University of Florida with a Masters in International Business and a Bachelors of Science in Business Management.

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