Here at International Student Insurance we like to show our support for international students. If you are a part of an international student organization at a college or university in the US we are currently sponsoring a free pizza party for your club! Check out our International Student Association Social page for more information. Kent State International Mentor, at Kent State University in Ohio, was the first to take us up on our offer.
Recently, International Student Insurance also held a sweepstakes on our Facebook page for a chance to win an iPad. While we had a winner last month, the iPad 2 was in such a high demand that it was sold out everywhere! Instead, we ordered it directly from Apple and they just delivered a brand new iPad 2 to our winner last week. We would just like to share the picture of our happy winner with his brand new iPad 2 here:
If you appreciate what we are doing for our community as much as we appreciate you, please let us know by joining our Facebook fan page and following us on Twitter. The more active our Facebook and Twitter community becomes, the more we will be able to bring you more fun and exciting things in the future. If you have any thoughts or suggestions, feel free to leave a comment!