Japanese International Student Insurance

The Japanese health care system is much different than in the United States. These differences can be especially startling for Japanese international students who come to the United States unprepared.

First, let’s talk about the differences in health care.

The health care system in Japan has what is called universal health care. For Japan, this means that the government covers 70% of treatment leaving patience with just 30% of the cost. In the US, however, the health care system relies on the individual seeking treatment and if available, private health insurance, to cover medical expenses. Because of this, it is important for Japanese international students to come prepared with their own insurance plan. If they do not, international students can easily incur thousands of dollars in medical bills by simply going to the emergency room without an insurance plan in place to help cover the expenses.

The health care costs also differ between the two countries where the US can be much more expensive compared to the regulated costs in Japan. A recent article published in the Washington Post stated, “Japan has a system that costs half as much…it does so by banning insurance company profits, limiting doctor fees…[and creating a] low-cost system.”

Now that we’ve spoken about the health care system, let’s discuss options when you study overseas.

Because of the differences in health care, you can see why it is important to have Japanese international student insurance in place before arrival in the United States. A popular option for Japanese international students is the Student Secure plan which provides comprehensive inpatient and outpatient medical coverage up to $200,000 (smart), $250,000 (budget) or $300,000 (select). This Japanese international student insurance plan is comprehensive in coverage and includes hospitalization, doctor visits, prescription medication, emergency medical evacuation and repatriation. Additionally, you have the option to include coverage for maternity, mental health, sports coverage, and pre-existing conditions, etc.

For more information about the plans for Japanese students, please see our international student health insurance options.

Image of a Geisha provided by Shutterstock

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