Incidental Home Country Coverage

Do you plan on traveling abroad? Are you looking for an international travel insurance plan that will also cover you when you return home? This is a dilemma many travelers face when they no longer have health insurance in their country of origin. In this case, it is important to know your travel insurance plan and the home country coverage that it offers.

If you will be abroad for an extended period of time and plan to return home for short trips, you will want to consider a plan that provides incidental home country coverage. To further explain, incidental home country coverage is a benefit included in some international travel insurance that covers short visits home when returning abroad. For example, the International Travel Medical Insurance is designed to cover you outside your home country. The plan does, however, provide 15 days of incidental home country coverage for trips back to your home country for every 3 months of coverage. Incidental Home Country Coverage does not allow you to return home for the purpose of obtaining treatment of an Illness or Injury, although it provides medical coverage if you plan to be home for a visit. For more detailed information about the home country coverage included with Atlas Travel Medical plan, visit our Home Country Coverage FAQ.

If you plan on returning home frequently or for longer periods of time, you may want to consider a plan that offers more home country coverage. The international major medical insurance provides worldwide coverage, including significant coverage in your home country. This will allow you to travel back-and-forth with ease and peace of mind. The international major medical insurance covers non-US citizens in their home country for up to 12 months each year. For US citizens, the plan will provide coverage in the US 6 months out of the year.

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