Atlas America – Atlas International

The Atlas Travel Medical Insurance plan provides international travel health insurance coverage to those who are traveling outside of your home country. Available in 2 plans which include:

Atlas International – coverage anywhere OUTSIDE of the USA
Atlas America – coverage INSIDE the USA

The Atlas America and Atlas International plans offer coverage to both US and Non-US Citizens and can be purchased from a minimum of 5 days up to a maximum of 1 year with renewability options available for up to 3 years in total.

The plans also offers benefits such as:

* Medical Expenses/ Doctor Visits
* Hospital Room and Board
* Prescription Medication
* Emergency Evacuation
* Lost Luggage Coverage
* Repatriation
* and much more……

The Atlas plan range are ideal for those traveling around the world that want a range of high quality travel insurance benefits, and that fact that you can renew the plan for up to 3 years makes it flexible enough for those that need longer coverage. If you are a student, however, please also consider the Student Secure Health Insurance plan as this offers greatly enhanced benefits and is designed just for students.

Further information about the Atlas America and Atlas International plan can be found online:

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