Student Insurance Comparison

A question that we are always asked at International Student Insurance is how to compare the various plans and options that are available. For most students there are a number of plans that are available – and those plans will offer varying benefits and have varying costs. So to make things easier, we have developed a few tools to help you work out what student insurance plan is best for you.

Firstly, there are two main questions which you should ask yourself when looking for coverage:

1 – How long do you need coverage for?
2 – Are there any specific benefits you need?

Knowing the answer to these two questions will start you off in the right direction as you can work from here and eliminate some plans as they do not meet your criteria.

Secondly, you should use our student insurance comparison tool. This tool has been created to offer a side-by-side comparison of the main international student health insurance and international student travel insurance plans that you can purchase. The comparison provides an overview of the benefits of each plan – and should help you choose the right option for you:

Student Insurance Comparison for International Students
Student Insurance Comparison for US Citizens

We also have a dedicated customer support team on hand to provide you with guidance and assistance – and they are more than happy to help you locate the right plan for you and give you further information.

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