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Health Insurance in Belgium

Learn about the health insurance system in Belgium

Before your study abroad departure, it is important that you lock down your insurance coverage. Whether you decide to go with private health insurance in Belgium or another health care program, it’s important to have coverage in place so that you’ll be able to meet the insurance mandatory requirement.

State Health Insurance Option

If you choose to go with the state’s health insurance scheme called the mutuelle/mutualiteit, you will have the benefit of choosing your medical provider. Payment of medical insurance in Belgium is done primarily on a fee-for-service basis.

According to Sociale Verzekeringsbank, this is what to expect upon choosing your form of health insurance in Belgium:

  • You will need to pay a membership fee (also called "lidgeld") which is approximately 49 Euros to 180 Euros per year.
  • 3.55 percent will be deducted from your pay by your employer (if you are working) as a health insurance contribution.
  • If you choose to receive care, your health insurance fund or Auxiliary Fund within the Belgian compulsory health insurance system will reimburse the costs. You will be charged "remgeld."

When You Pay

Upon payment of your service, here's what to expect in terms of reimbursement:

  • You will pay for your health care at the time of the visit.
  • You will submit a claim to your insurance provider to collect all or a portion of the cost you paid.
  • About 75 percent of the cost will be returned to you (in general).

Eligibility for Health Insurance in Belgium

Students outside the EU, who are traveling less than 90 days, must apply for the Schengen Visa. For more than 90 days, non-EU students need to apply for a student visa and show proof of health insurance. EU students will already be covered by health insurance with their European health insurance card.

Private Health Insurance in Belgium

According to Health Care Reform in Belgium by Erik Schnokkaert and Carine Van de Voorde, "the Belgian financing mix is among the most progressive in Europe." They also state that the compulsory health insurance option is not available to new entrants. Medical insurance in Belgium is either private or public. As stated before, an advantage of private health insurance is you can choose the hospital you wish you attend, and public hospitals are obligated to treat all patients, according to Health Systems in Transition. Belgium's health care system is managed by sickness funds, in which you would be required to be a member.

As you begin your search for medical insurance coverage, be sure to check that you will be fully covered for your entire stay.

After reading this article, you may want to know your next steps:

  • Sign up for universal health care coverage or private health insurance in Belgium.
  • Students from the European Union and EFTA should have their European health insurance card. You can obtain one from your home country.
  • After enrolling in a health care program in Belgium, there is a six-month waiting period prior to claiming benefit.

We offer the following plans to international students studying in Belgium:

Atlas Travel Student Secure
Policy MaximumPolicy Max. $50,000 to $2 Million $200,000 to $5,000,000 max$200k to $5M max
DeductibleDed. $0 up to $5,000 $25 up to $100
Currency $ USD priced $ USD priced
Premium Starting at $0.88/ day Starting at $0.85/ day

Best Insurance Plans for Belgium

We have a range of insurance plans, however for students studying in Belgium the best insurance options are: