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GeoBlue Provider Network Search

When seeking treatment, it is important to go to a doctor, hospital or clinic that is inside the network.

You can find doctors in the US online here:

USA stock photo

International providers can be located in the Student Zone once a policy has been purchased. If you're a current client, you can find the directory by logging in here:

International stock photo

Please bring your ID card when seeking treatment at a doctor, hospital or clinic. If your plan has a deductible, be prepared to pay this at the time of treatment. Inside the US, members have access to the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Network. GeoBlue’s Global Health and Safety network also has contracted providers in 180 countries around the world. Whether overseas or in the U.S., members can choose to use any doctor or hospital. Members are never restricted to a network.

To access prescription drugs at a retail pharmacy inside of the U.S.; Locate a participating pharmacy online at . Present your medical ID card to the participating pharmacy and pay your copay.

If you are interested in enrolling in a policy and want to see what providers are nearby, please contact us for more information.