Posts Tagged ‘studying abroad’

Staying Well-Fed while Studying Abroad

August 11th, 2021 by Melissa Madrigal

I was born in Mexico City and I was an international student in the United States for several years. I received my bachelor’s degree at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque and it was a time of my life I will never forget. I know firsthand all of the amazing experiences that studying abroad […]

Top 5 Documents Needed When Studying Abroad

December 30th, 2013 by Jennifer Frankel

Planning your study abroad trip can be fun, but making sure you bring all the necessary documents can be painful to remember. After all, what should you bring and what should you leave at home? Don’t wake up the night before you leave stressing whether you’ve got everything packed. Plan ahead, so you’ll be prepared. […]

Allergies While Studying Abroad

April 19th, 2013 by Bryanna Davis

When studying abroad, there will be a number of changes that you will need to grow accustom to in your new country. Part of the excitement of studying in a new location is that students are able to have an educational experience different than the one back home. New food, weather, customs, language and time zones are […]

US Destinations for International Students

December 5th, 2011 by Bryanna Davis

Get it while it’s hot…but not too hot. With modernization there are many benefits, but there are sometimes adverse effects such as global warming. If you are considering studying abroad in the United States there is no better time than now. Some of our top natural attractions are having their existence threatened, meaning they might […]

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