Posts Tagged ‘Short term insurance for US citizens’

Insurance Options for Dual Citizens of the United States

March 23rd, 2018 by Yessica Prato

As a dual citizen you can enjoy the benefits of not going through the process of obtaining a student visa, you are required to fulfill the responsibilities of a US citizen. So even if you’ve never been to the US, having US citizenship will automatically change the way you qualify and obtain a health insurance.

Studying and Traveling in the USA, as a US Citizen!

October 8th, 2015 by Sally Mcleod

There are over 8.7 million non-military U.S. citizens currently living abroad, and each year, thousands of them come to the US to travel, study or live. For this group of American passport holders living outside of the United States, getting international health insurance when coming to the United States can prove to be surprisingly difficult. […]

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