Posts Tagged ‘patriot travel’

What is a Deductible?

December 5th, 2024 by Debra Merritt

A deductible is the amount you will pay when you see a doctor or hospital before insurance will pay anypart of the visit. There are two different types of deductibles: Deductible per policy period: Once you have paid an amount equal to the deductible for medical bills (one or several that all add up to […]

Sports Insurance for International Students

July 20th, 2023 by Joss Jimenez

International students who participate in sports are at a greater risk of injury because they are constantly pushing their bodies to the limit and are more likely to be involved in accidents. If they practice sports frequently, it is important for international students to have sports insurance. When choosing a sports insurance plan, you must […]

Sick Abroad: My Experience Using My Patriot Travel Plan

March 16th, 2023 by Yessica Prato

As soon as countries in Asia started opening back up after COVID, I went into full planning mode. My husband and I had postponed our honeymoon yet another year because we wanted to maximize our time abroad without having to spend precious vacation days in a hotel room quarantining. Once January 2023 came around, we […]

Student Health Advantage & Patriot Travel Medical – How to File a Claim

January 23rd, 2020 by Leah Hammond

You’ve just been to the doctor…so now what? You showed a copy of your ID card at the time of treatment, and the doctor’s office didn’t make you pay anything out of pocket. You may think that you are all set and need to take no further action, but it’s important to make sure that […]

6 Tips for a Healthy Travel Experience

July 17th, 2019 by Alexis Ponce

For all the travel addicts out there, it is almost that time of the year! With summer vacation here, you may be planning to take a trip internationally in the coming days and weeks! It is important that you think about your health before and during your trip, to make sure you are in tip-top […]

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