Posts Tagged ‘Medical Debt in the US’

Talking to Your Doctor – Don’t be Embarrassed!

January 22nd, 2021 by Yessica Prato

When I was younger my parents were still learning English, which meant I was the family translator for all family doctor’s appointments; at that time, we weren’t aware doctors could provide an interpreter. This, coupled with all the taboos my parents brought with them from Colombia, made going to the doctor difficult at times. At […]

How to Deal with Medical Debt in the US

September 1st, 2020 by Yessica Prato

A few years ago, I was biking with my dog through a trail. Back then, I didn’t have health insurance, I was a college student in the US working two part-time minimum wage jobs, and I wasn’t wearing a helmet. As Murphy’s law would have it, my dog pulled me hard to one side, I […]

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