Posts Tagged ‘International Student Insurance for Broward College’

2020-2021 International Student Insurance for Broward College

August 5th, 2020 by Jennifer Frankel

Broward College requires that all international students enroll in a health insurance plan before the start of classes. International Student Insurance (ISI) has a plan that will meet Broward requirements and save you money! >> Learn more      >> Buy Now Who Needs Coverage? If you are an international student or on Optional Practical Training […]

International Student Insurance for Broward College

August 24th, 2012 by Bryanna Davis

To see the latest insurance requirements for Broward College, please see our latest 2020-2021 international student blog. Each year thousands of individuals from around the world come to the United States to study in Florida; at Broward College alone there are students representing over 150 countries. If you are one of the many international students at Broward, you […]

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