Posts Tagged ‘facebook’

Emotional Wellness During the COVID-19 Outbreak

March 31st, 2020 by Jennifer Frankel

COVID-19 has impacted many of us around the world. Words like “social distancing”, “quarantine” and “isolation” have entered into our everyday lexicon. Many international students and scholars may be isolated either abroad or at home; many of us may be taking classes online, away from our teachers, friends and community; and still many of us […]

Follow, Fan and Circle Us on Social Media

June 6th, 2013 by Ross Mason

Social media is still on the rise, Facebook and Twitter are steadily increasing and just this week it emerged that Google+ had taken over from Twitter as the number 2 social media platform in the USA. The success of social media is that it allows you to engage and interact with people, sharing images and […]

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter

July 2nd, 2010 by International-Student-Insurance

Want to keep up with all the latest news, information and interact with us on a more regular basis? If the answer is yes, or you just want to stop by and say “Hi!” then you should check out our twitter and facebook pages. We have lots of information on there, and you can interact […]

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