Posts Tagged ‘breathing exercises’

Community Mental Health and What You Can Do to Take Action

June 6th, 2023 by Angela Perrilliat

Community mental health is a mix of actions that have the goal of improving mental health on a community or social level, tackling health problems and their determining factors in a comprehensive way.  Taking action in building a community of mental health awareness is important because we are all responsible for taking care of and […]

Why Taking A Breath Does More For Your Body than Just Breathing

June 28th, 2021 by Jennifer Frankel

Feeling stressed out? How many times have you heard, just breathe! In fact, when you look at many different relaxation techniques, whether it’s yoga or meditation, you will notice that there is a lot of focus on the types of breaths we take. In this blog we will talk about what research is finding when […]

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