This is one of the most popular questions we receive. The Student Secure plan, which is particularly designed for F1 visa holders or full-time international and study abroad students, has two levels: budget and select. The budget level provides up to $250,000 worth of coverage and the select level provides up to $300,000 worth of coverage. The select level also provides coverage for accidental death & dismemberment and the budget level does not. However, these are not the only differences. The main difference is in the coinsurance.

Coinsurance is a percentage that you have to pay after you meet the deductible. The deductible is usually a fixed amount. For both levels, the deductible is $100 per injury or illness. For the budget level, your coinsurance portion would be 20% of the first $10,000 of eligible expenses. Then, the insurance company will pay 100% of your eligible expenses up to the certificate period maximum. So, for example, you incurred $5,000 worth of eligible expenses. You would be responsible for the deductible ($100) plus the 20% coinsurance. So, your total would be approximately $1,100. If you chose the select level, then your coinsurance is waived if you go to the Student Health Center or if you go to a doctor within the PPO (network of doctors). So, in the example above you would only be responsible for the deductible ($100). The select level may be more expensive when you choose to purchase the Student Secure plan, however, it greatly reduces your out-of-pocket expenses.

To further explain what a deductible is, the deductible is the amount that you are required to pay before the insurance company will pay toward your eligible expenses. For the Student Secure plan, the deductible is $100 per injury or illness. This means that you would pay the first $100 plus any coinsurance applicable (if you chose the select level and went within the PPO or to the Student Health Center you would not be responsible for the coinsurance) per injury or illness. This deductible is not per visit. If you became ill or injured and you went to the doctor you would pay the deductible plus any coinsurance applicable. If you needed to go back for a follow-up visit you would not need to pay the deductible again. You would simply pay the applicable coinsurance portion.

If you should have any further questions, please e-mail us at or call us at 1-888-247-1387.

To view all the benefits, quote or apply online click here:

Finland International Student Insurance

August 15th, 2007 by International-Student-Insurance

On the 1st September 2007, the Finnish Government introduces new insurance legislation for all international students who are planning to attend school in Finland. The new insurance regulations for international students in Finland currently stands at:

  • Students who stay in Finland less than two years – These students must have a health insurance whose policy covers treatment and medication costs up to 100,000 euros.
  • Students who stay in Finland a minimum of two years – These students must have a health insurance whose policy covers treatment and medication costs up to 30,000 euros.

At, we are prepared for these new changes and have a variety of plans that are available and ideal for international students from all around the world who are planning to study in Finland.
Our current plans that will meet these requirements are:

Student Secure – monthly student health insurance plan
Atlas International – Travel health insurance plan
International Citizens – Annually renewable major medical insurance plan.

Although all three plans above will meet the options for International Students studying in Finland, we recommend the Student Secure and Atlas International as the main plans. The Student Secure is a dedicated plan for international students and will provide benefits such as hospitalization, mental health, maternity, prescription medication and much more. If are not looking for a plan as comprehensive as the Student Secure, then the Atlas International plan should be your second option providing travel health benefits (though if you need coverage up to $250,000 please make sure you select a policy maximum of €100,000 or more).

Please contact us if you have any questions about Finnish International Student Insurance

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Visa Insurance Plans

August 3rd, 2007 by International-Student-Insurance

For anyone that has every applied for a visa, whether a J1, F1 or even a Schengen Visa for Europe, they will know that getting through all the paperwork and red tape can be tough task. You need to comply with many requirements, make sure you have all your paperwork is in order, etc… the list goes on.

One of the main requirements of visa’s such as the Schengen or J1 Visa for the USA, is to require the applicant to show proof of a certain level of health/ travel insurance. At we provide access to range of plans that will meet and exceed nearly all visa requirements – the most popular visa’s that we provide coverage for are:

J1 Visa Insurance
F1 Visa Insurance
Schengen Visa Insurance

If your visa is not listed above, please simply contact us to talk with our customer service team about your requirements and we can find a plan to fit your needs.

For those looking for insurance to meet school insurance requirements please see our previous posting.

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Updated Student Secure Plan – 6 Month Pre-X

July 23rd, 2007 by International-Student-Insurance

Many universities or colleges in the U.S. require international students to purchase health insurance, in fact most schools require you to purchase their plan. For many schools though, there is a waiver process in which you can waive out of the group plan and this will allow you to purchase a similar plan which can often cost much less.

Some schools have very strict international student insurance requirements and others may not have any requirements at all. For those schools that do have strict requirements we have updated our Student Secure plan for you specifically in mind.

The new Student Secure 6 Month Plan plan now meets the requirement of having pre-existing conditions covered after 6 months of continuous coverage, however still has the same great benefits of the original Student Secure plan at affordable prices.

If your school does have this 6 month pre-existing condition requirement, then you are eligible to purchase the updated Student Secure 6 Month plan. On the application, you will find your school’s name in the drop down box, and if your school is not listed, then please contact us and we can add your school to this list.

Please visit the 6 Month Student Secure plan today:

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School Waiver Requirements

July 9th, 2007 by International-Student-Insurance

As the new school year starts, make an educated decision by choosing one of the most comprehensive international student health insurance plans available in the Student Secure plan from This plan provides:

– Monthly Payment Options
– Hospitalization Services
– Doctors Office Visits
– Prescription Drug Coverage
– Maternity and Mental Health
– Medical Evacuation and Repatriation
– And Much More….

To view all the benefits of the Student Secure plan, quote or apply online click here:

Also, as part of your enrollment process your school will either require you to purchase their plan or show proof of comparable coverage. In most cases the Student Secure plan will meet and exceed your schools insurance requirement, providing similar benefits at a much lower cost. Check out your schools requirements online.

Easy Monthly Payment Options!

June 6th, 2007 by International-Student-Insurance

As of June 1st 2007, our flagship international student health insurance plan, the Student Secure, now offer easy monthly payment options for students. The Student Secure has always been a renewable insurance plan, so you can purchase a set number of months and then simply renew – however for students that need to show proof of coverage for a certain period, such as 9 months, it was sometimes hard to make a full payment up front.

The Student Secure will now let you purchase 12 months of coverage and pay for the plan each month via your credit card. When you sign up, you will be given the option to either pay all up front, of opt to have your credit or debit card automatically charged each month – making our insurance even more affordable!

If you are looking for a low cost international student health insurance plan that will be accepted by most schools, and will meet and exceed all country visa requirements, the Student Secure is your best option. It also offers:

– up to $300,000 policy maximum
– Mental Health Coverage
– Maternity Coverage
– Pre-existing Condition Coverage after 12 months
– Sports Coverage
– and much more..

To view the plan and purchase it online please visit:

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International Travel Insurance – Trip Cancellation

May 22nd, 2007 by International-Student-Insurance

The new RoundTrip International Travel Insurance plan has now been updated for 2007 with some fantastic new benefits and levels of coverage for our clients. The new plan now has 2 coverage options, the basic standard plan and a NEW enhanced “Choice” plan for those that want a little extra coverage.

The plan provides you with core benefits of:
– Trip Cancellation coverage,
– Trip Interruption benefits,
– Trip Delay,
– Evacuation and Repatriation,
– Lost Baggage and Baggage Delay,

….plus you now have the option to add optional flight accident insurance and collision damage waiver insurance!

The RoundTrip plan is a great comprehensive travel insurance plan, and you can purchase it right online – quickly and easily!

Learn more about the RoundTrip International Travel Insurance Plan!

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Student Insurance Comparison

May 16th, 2007 by International-Student-Insurance

A question that we are always asked at International Student Insurance is how to compare the various plans and options that are available. For most students there are a number of plans that are available – and those plans will offer varying benefits and have varying costs. So to make things easier, we have developed a few tools to help you work out what student insurance plan is best for you.

Firstly, there are two main questions which you should ask yourself when looking for coverage:

1 – How long do you need coverage for?
2 – Are there any specific benefits you need?

Knowing the answer to these two questions will start you off in the right direction as you can work from here and eliminate some plans as they do not meet your criteria.

Secondly, you should use our student insurance comparison tool. This tool has been created to offer a side-by-side comparison of the main international student health insurance and international student travel insurance plans that you can purchase. The comparison provides an overview of the benefits of each plan – and should help you choose the right option for you:

Student Insurance Comparison for International Students
Student Insurance Comparison for US Citizens

We also have a dedicated customer support team on hand to provide you with guidance and assistance – and they are more than happy to help you locate the right plan for you and give you further information.

New Online Renewal Features

March 26th, 2007 by International-Student-Insurance

Great news for all new and existing International Citizens International Health Insurance customers – you can now renew your plan online through our Client Zone. The new online feature means you can now manage your international health insurance plan from anywhere in the world, just as long as you have internet access, and can quickly and easily process your renewal each year with little or no fuss!

If you would like more information about the International Citizens International Health Insurance plan then please see below:
For International Students (non-US Citizens)
For US Citizens

Please contact us if you have any questions

Summer Study Abroad Insurance

March 21st, 2007 by International-Student-Insurance

For all of those students that are about to embark on their summer study abroad trip you are about to have a life changing experience. Some of you may be going to Europe and some may be going to China, Japan or South America but whether you know it or not you all have something in common. You will all be studying outside of your home country and out of your comfort zone. You will also be exploring a whole new world out there with new and different cultures.

When you are thinking about all the great adventures you are about to have, you may forget to have adequate health insurance that will provide coverage for you while you are studying outside of your home country. Fortunately, most schools require students to have this type of insurance. We have two excellent plans that will satisfy your school requirement for study abroad insurance – the Student Secure plan and the Atlas International plan. Both of these plans offer comprehensive coverage and great rates, especially when you are outside of the U.S. The Student Secure plan offers coverage for inpatient, outpatient, maternity, sports coverage, emergency medical evacuation, repatriation, etc. and you must be a student to qualify. You can purchase from 1 to 12 months of Student Secure coverage, and can continue to renew as long as you are studying outside of your home country.

The Atlas International offers similar coverage for those outside their home country, but you do not have to be a student.You can purchase as little as 5 days of coverage, up to a full year, and you can renew the plan for up to 3 years. One nice feature of the Atlas International is that you can choose a deductible as low as $0. Since there is no co-insurance on claims outside the US, you can reduce out of pockets costs for medical claims.

If you are like most students, health insurance is the farthest thing on your mind. You may have waited till the last minute to purchase it and you need proof of insurance by tomorrow or even today. Well, with these two plans we offer a great benefit: online fulfillment. This allows you to receive all of your insurance documents via your e-mail. You will receive a confirmation e-mail after you purchase the plan online and it will include your visa letter, explanation of benefits, receipt and insurance card. You can simply print these items out and bring them with you when you go abroad.

For lots of study abroad information, including program listings, a study abroad blog, etc. visit the Study Abroad section of You may also want to make sure you have an international phone card or sim card. Your cell phone provider may offer international calling but usually you will see they have very high rates and you can end up with an extremely high bill at the end of the summer. These services and products are all found through a great site: They offer excellent products with great rates and a “Print n Go” facility.

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