End of Trip Home Country Coverage

January 21st, 2010 by International-Student-Insurance

Insurance can be quite a tricky subject especially when you are dealing with multiple countries. It is common for overseas travelers to find a travel insurance that will cover you outside your home country- but what about when you return home?

With the vast number of international insurance plans, you need to choose a plan that provides the appropriate coverage- whether internationally or back home. If you do not have a domestic plan already in place, you will want to consider a plan with end of trip home country coverage. This is normally an optional benefit that provides additional coverage in your home country.

This option is especially important since the first thing you will want to do when you return home will NOT be to look for insurance! Remember that great restaurant you regularly went to up the road? Or, that friend you haven’t seen in what feels like ages? Whether you spend the time at home recovering from jet lag, or just taking in the moment where you understand everything that is going on around you- you will also want to have the piece of mind that you are covered for the unexpected.

There are some international travel plans that will allow you to add end of trip home country coverage for a limited number of days. Some plans require that you’ve purchased a minimum number of months abroad to make you eligible for the end of trip home country coverage benefit. Other plans will cover you up until a certain number of days after returning home. This coverage is important so that you will have enough time to take-it-easy and find a long-term solution.

One popular option is the Travel Medical insurance plan. This plan has the option to add end of trip home country coverage. If you are covered outside of your Home Country continuously for at least 6 months you can add an additional 30 days of End of Trip Home Country Medical Coverage.

As many of you are now aware there was a very serious earthquake in Haiti.  You may be wondering what you should do and who you can turn to for help in an emergency such as this.

You can refer to FEMA’s web page about “What to do After an Earthquake” The most important things are to listen to the radio and to only place phone calls in the event of an emergency, since call volumes are very high during these times.

International students and travelers should consider having a health insurance plan that will provide benefits to them for emergency medical evacuations and natural disasters.

A popular plan that offers coverage for both of these benefits is the Atlas Travel Series is an excellent choice for health insurance for students needing emergency medical evacuation and natural disaster coverage.  The Atlas Travel Series provides coverage to students and travelers outside their home country.  It provides coverage for inpatient and outpatient services, prescription drugs, emergency medical evacuation, natural disasters,  repatriation, doctor office visits, etc..  This plan allows students to choose maximum coverage limits (from $50,000 to $1,000,000) and your deductible (from $0 to $2,500).

After this plan is purchased, they will immediately receive a confirmation e-mail.  This e-mail will contain the insurance card, letter of coverage, receipt, and visa letter and policy details.  Students can simply print these documents out to show proof of coverage.

Canadian International Student Health Insurance

January 8th, 2010 by International-Student-Insurance

Canadian tuition fees are among the lowest in English-speaking countries and because of that, Canada is a popular choice for international students who choose as their study abroad destination. There are now over 180,000 international students who study in Canada, so its an excellent choice for many!

Finding the right health insurance, however, can be a bit confusing for international students but we have the solutions to help ease this situation. One such plan is the Atlas Travel Series, a great solution and popular choice among international students all throughout Canada. The plan provides comprehensive coverage for doctor office visits, prescription drugs, hospitalizations, diagnostic testing, x-rays, laboratory work, emergency medical evacuation, repatriation, etc.  It is available for worldwide coverage, excluding your home country, so if you also plan to travel during your time in Canada, the plan will follow with you.

After you purchase the plan, you can receive all of your insurance documents immediately via e-mail, which will include your visa letter, receipt, insurance card and policy details.

For more information about Canada Student Insurance options, please visit our dedicated Canadian page, with more details about the Atlas plan along with a very specific Canadian international student health insurance product.

UK International Student Insurance

January 8th, 2010 by International-Student-Insurance

Red Bus in front of Big Ben, London

The UK is one of the most popular destinations for international studies.  In fact, studying in the UK is the number two choice for international students in the world, second only to the USA.  The UK offers international students an excellent higher education system and with hundreds of universities to choose from – it’s easy to see why it’s such a popular destination. For more demographic and statistical information about international students in the UK, visit the UK Council for International Student Affairs or you can view our UK International Student Insurance pages for more in depth information on why the UK is so great!

Before you leave your home country/country of citizenship you should consider purchasing health insurance coverage for international students that will work for you in the UK.

The Atlas Travel Series is a great choice for health insurance for international students in the UK.  The plan provides comprehensive coverage for doctor office visits, prescription drugs, hospitalizations, diagnostic testing, x-rays, laboratory work, emergency medical evacuation, repatriation, etc.  To be eligible for this plan, you do not have to be a student but you must be outside of your home country.

International students needing health insurance in the UK will find applying for the plan simple and easy – you can purchase the plan right online and get immediate coverage.  After you purchase the plan, you can receive all of your insurance documents immediately via e-mail. This e-mail will include your visa letter, receipt, insurance card and policy details.

Indian Students Studying Abroad

December 22nd, 2009 by International-Student-Insurance

After China, India sends the greatest number of students abroad. The majority of Indian students study in the United States, which is followed by Australia, the UK, Germany and Canada. Health insurance for Indian students studying abroad in important especially as health care may work differently than in India.

Unlike India’s national health care, countries like the United States provide private health care. In the United States, the medical expenses can be costly and you’ll be expected to provide insurance coverage in many doctor’s offices and hospitals. Indian students studying abroad in the US under an F-1 visa may be required by their school or organization to have coverage before the first day of school. Indian students studying under a J-1 visa are required by the US government to have insurance, including repatriation and emergency medical evacuation.

In Australia, the government provides insurance coverage through Overseas Student Health Coverage (OSHC), which will need to be purchased prior to arrival. In other counties like the UK and Canada where they do offer public health care, it is possible that you may not be covered. The British and Canadian Embassies recommend that Indian students have adequate health insurance before arrival since medical treatment can be expensive and students are not covered by their national health care. The exception to this is in the UK if you’ve been covered by a reciprocal health care agreement or enrolled in a course that is 6 months or longer.

Indians traveling to Germany to study are required to have insurance under the Student visa. Students under the age of 30 or until their 14th academic semester can take out the public health insurance, or you can choose to opt out for a private health insurance. International students over the age of 30 will no longer be eligible for the student rate and may voluntarily choose a public fund or a private health insurance provider.

When you are looking for your insurance while studying abroad or if you plan on traveling to other countries, you’ll want a plan that will cover you for the full duration of your studies or trip. The Student Health Insurance is designed to cover you up to 4 years of studying and meets many school and government requirements.  The plan includes comprehensive inpatient and outpatient medical coverage (doctor visits and hospitalization), prescriptions, mental health, maternity, sports coverage, emergency medical evacuation, repatriation, etc.

H1N1 not as severe as first thought

December 11th, 2009 by International-Student-Insurance

The latest information released this week shows that the H1N1 (swine flu) virus is not expected to be as severe as first thought. Many experts were predicting that the start of the northern hemisphere winter period was going to trigger the start the pandemic of the H1N1 flu virus, but latest figures are showing that new cases have been dropping off rapidly from a surge in early November. As Web MD quotes “When the fall/winter wave of H1N1 swine flu is over, it will have been no more severe than an average flu season, predict Harvard researcher Marc Lipsitch, DPhil, and colleagues from the U.K. Medical Research Council and the CDC.”

This positive news is also not a reason for complacency, and people should still do all they can to prevent the spread of the H1N1 virus, as with all other flu viruses. This includes following things like:

  • Avoid Close Contact with Sick People
  • Stay at home if you are sick to avoid spreading the virus
  • Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing
  • Clean your hands regularly to avoid germs spreading

As an international student or traveler in the USA or anywhere in the world, you also need to make sure you have an appropriate and adequate health and travel insurance plan to cover you in the event that you fall sick with the H1N1 virus. Most insurance policies already provide coverage for things like the standard seasonal flu, and variation of it such as the H1N1 virus – however it is always advisable to contact your insurance broker or company before you travel to confirm this.

If you are looking for coverage, we offer a range of international student health insurance and travel medical insurance plans that all provide full coverage if you contract the H1N1 virus.

Spain Student Insurance

December 10th, 2009 by International-Student-Insurance

If you are preparing to study in Spain, you will need Spain student insurance to meet the Spanish visa requirements.

Spain is considered a Schengen country, which requires that you have 30,000 euros in coverage. However, the Embassy has added additional requirements for students studying in Spain. In addition to the minimum coverage requirement, your Spain student insurance requires that you have 100% coverage up until 30,000 euros – or its $50,000 USD equivalent.

What does this mean to you? Your Spain student insurance must not have a deductible, co-payment, or coinsurance to be accepted by the Embassy. In addition, your Spain student insurance must include medical expense coverage for emergency medical evacuation and repatriation services. When applying for your visa, you will need to provide a certificate of coverage/visa letter for proof of your Spain student insurance. Many insurance companies will allow you to purchase your Spain student insurance before departing on your trip. You will be able to choose your dates of coverage, which should be for the entire period you plan to stay in Spain.

Many students have opted for the Atlas Travel plan since this is a comprehensive insurance plan that meets all of the Spanish visa requirements. This Spain student insurance will allow you to choose a $0 deductible, or no deductible, and provides 100% coverage up until the policy maximum you select, with a minimum of $50,000 USD. After you purchase the Atlas Travel plan, you will have immediate access to your visa letter at Student Zone. You would then just attach this letter to your student visa application. If for any reason you are not issued your visa, you would receive a full-refund. You will just need to send a written or emailed cancellation request before your plan begins.

Please see our Spain student insurance section for an excellent overview of all the plans available to you.

Poland Student Insurance

December 4th, 2009 by International-Student-Insurance

As you pack your bags for your upcoming trip, you are preparing yourself for an adventure in the fastest growing country within the European Union.

Before leaving, you will need to make sure that you are prepared with your Poland Student Insurance. If you are from a non- EU country, including the US and Canada, you will need to have Poland Student Insurance before entering the country. Poland, a Schengen country, requires that you carry proof of insurance of 30,000 euros or $50,000 in medical coverage. Your Poland Student Insurance will also need to include emergency medical evacuation and repatriation.

Additionally, many insurance companies will provide you with a visa letter, also known as a certificate of coverage, necessary to show proof of your Poland Student Insurance. Your Poland Student Insurance coverage must cover you for the total trip duration, which will also be stated on your visa letter/certificate of coverage.

You may be required to show this letter at the time of entry- so be sure to bring proof of your Poland Student Insurance with you in your carry-on bag!

Many students have found the Atlas Travel plan as a well-suited option as it is easy to enroll and you can get same-day coverage with this plan or you can have coverage begin the date of your upcoming departure. The Atlas Travel plan provides coverage outside your home country for inpatient and outpatient services, prescription drugs, emergency medical evacuation, repatriation, doctor office visits, etc..

Not only does this plan meet the Polish visa requirements, but you will immediately receive a confirmation e-mail. In this e-mail, it will contain your insurance card, letter of coverage, receipt and policy details.  You can simply print these documents out to show proof of coverage. You will also have access to Student Zone to get your visa letter which will show proof of coverage for your visa requirement.

Get ready to join a number of other individuals who have traveled to Poland; Poland is ranked as the 17th most visited country in 2008 by the United Nations. Do widzenia!

Health insurance for Chinese students studying abroad

December 4th, 2009 by International-Student-Insurance

Chinese students make up a large portion of students studying abroad.  Health insurance is often times a big concern as most countries, colleges and Universities require that international students have it.

The Atlas Travel Series is an excellent choice for health insurance for Chinese students studying abroad.  The Atlas Travel Series provides coverage to students studying outside their home country.  It provides coverage for inpatient and outpatient services, prescription drugs, emergency medical evacuation, repatriation, doctor office visits, etc..  This plan allows students to choose maximum coverage limits (from $50,000 to $1,000,000) and your deductible (from $0 to $2,500).

The plan meets all of the requirements for the Schengen and US visa’s.  In addition to that it can protect students from financial burden in the event of an unexpected illness or injury.  So whether it’s required or not – it’s a smart idea for all Chinese students studying abroad to have health insurance.

After this plan is purchased, they will immediately receive a confirmation e-mail.  This e-mail will contain the insurance card, letter of coverage, receipt, visa letter and policy details.  Students can simply print these documents out to show proof of coverage.

Czech Republic Visa Insurance

November 13th, 2009 by Ross Mason

czech-republic-visa-insuranceAs you prepare for your upcoming trip to the Czech Republic – whether for business or pleasure – it is important to become familiar with the country’s entry requirements. The Czech Republic is considered one of the Schengen countries.

What does this mean?  This is a group of countries that have signed the Schengen agreement. As part of this agreement, these countries do not require a visa if you are entering the country for up to 90 days within any 180 day period for business or pleasure. If you plan on studying or working in the Czech Republic, you will need to apply for a visa 3-4 months in advance. No matter what reason brings you to the Czech Republic, you are required to have Czech Republic Visa Insurance.

Czech Republic Visa Insurance is required for any foreigner entering the country and you will need to bring proof of insurance that meets the following:

  • Valid coverage throughout Czech Republic
  • Valid during the entire period that you will be in the Czech Republic
  • Coverage for at least $45,000 USD (or € 30,000)
  • Coverage including repatriation for medical reasons, urgent medical care and/or emergency treatment in a hospital

According to the US State Department, a health insurance card will generally be accepted as proof of insurance to enter the country. With some Czech Republic visa insurance plans, you will receive a visa letter that is designed specifically to meet these requirements.

The Atlas Travel plan provides Czech Republic visa Insurance, covering travelers outside their home country. Not only will this plan meet the listed requirements, but after purchase, you will have access to your account where you can print out a tailored letter that will comply with the Czech Republic visa insurance requirements. With this plan, you can choose your dates of coverage, providing coverage anywhere from 5 days up until 1 year, and the plan can also be renewed for three years if you intend to stay longer.

If you are interested in learning more about this plan, please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

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