International Student Athletic Coverage

September 15th, 2010 by Bryanna Davis

Many international students playing sports may realize that their student policy excludes coverage for athletic activities. Whether playing football or basketball, you will want to know the type of International Student Athletic Coverage coverage that is specifically included in your plan. For those who do not already have a policy, you will look at many different policies with different benefits. The best advice is to check if the plan has sports coverage already included or if you can add it as an option. Be sure to ask and review the exclusions so there are no surprises! International student health insurance policies are more likely to cover this – however you will want to confirm by reviewing the benefits and exclusions of your plan.

One popular option for international student athletes is the Student Secure plan. The plan is offered in four levels, the Smart, Budget, Select and Elite, so that you can find the plan that specifically meets your needs. The Budget level covers organized sports up to $3,000 per accident and the Select and Elite levels cover organized sports up to $5,000 per accident (the Smart excludes coverage for organized sports) – whether it be intercollegiate, interscholastic, intramural or a club sport sanctioned by your school.

If you would like further information, please call one of our licensed agent to discuss your insurance needs.

Enrollment of International Students Drops in Australia

September 7th, 2010 by International-Student-Insurance

In many countries, the number of international students studying abroad continues to increase each year. For Australia, however, the opposite is true. In fact, the number of Indian students alone has dropped from 65,503 last year to 29,721 this year – that is more than half!

With student security issues, legislative changes, and the financial crisis, the number of accepted students has dropped dramatically this year and many are predicting this will continue.

According to the Chronicle of Higher Education, this comes as no surprise with federal changes reducing the number of professions that lead to permanent residency. Furthermore, the government has also closed 15 private colleges that were high magnet schools for international students.

There has also been quite a stir among the international students. In fact, the number of Indian students wanting to study in Australia dropped almost 50%. This has been caused by the most recent publicized attacks on Indian students in Melbourne and Sydney. This in effect, resulted in a travel advisory issued by the Indian government.

According to the Australia’s Tourism Forecasting Committee, international students are worth $13 billion to the Australian economy each year. Of this total, Indian students compose of 19% of the international student enrollment – with the drop in international students the cost is expected to amount to $70 million.

Because of this, there is growing alarm of the expected impact to both international education and the economy. Carla Drakeford, president of the National Union of Students expresses that the “international student decline is dangerous for the university sector – not only because it creates a hole in university funding, but also because of the innate value international students bring to our community and higher education sector.”

International Student Insurance for the New School Year

August 24th, 2010 by International-Student-Insurance

As the school season begins you will want to make sure that you are adequately covered in case the unexpected happens. International student health insurance is important to have in place in the event that you need to seek treatment at the doctor or hospital. In many countries, the health system may be structured differently than what you are accustomed to – whether it be nationalized health care or higher medical expenses. It is important to ask questions to determine if you will need a plan to fill in gaps and to provide you with additional health coverage.

There are many factors to consider when choosing the right plan:

  • Do you want an emergency-only plan or one that will also cover you in the case you have a cold?
  • Will you be playing sports? If so, will this be covered under your policy?
  • Are you looking for a plan that will include routine visits, maternity, pre-existing conditions or mental health?
  • Does your school provide insurance or do they have any requirements for an individual private plan?

Once you have determined the type of plan you are looking for, you will want to know more about how your plan works. We recommend asking questions including:

  • What are my out-of-pocket expenses?
  • How are claims paid?
  • Is there a network of doctors or hospitals? If so, are they close to you?
  • If there is a network, can you also go to an out-of-network provider?
  • Who is the insurance company and what is their insurance rating?

Many international students find the Student Secure plan a well-suited plan. Not only is there 24 hour service in the event that you need medical referrals or translation services, but the plan is designed to cover you for doctor visits, hospitalization, emergency medical evacuation and repatriation. The plan is offered in three levels: the Smart, Budget, and Select. These options have been designed to find the best option for you and your needs. Many of these options include maternity, pre-existing conditions, sports coverage, and mental health.

If you have any questions about your international student insurance for the upcoming school year, our licensed agents are standing by to assist you throughout the process.

Student Secure Smart

August 3rd, 2010 by International-Student-Insurance

International Student Insurance is proud to introduce the third level of the Student Secure – the Student Secure Smart plan. This plan was designed with the international student in mind, particularly for those looking for an economical medical insurance. The Student Secure Smart features the following:

  • $200,000 maximum coverage
  • Hospitalization and doctor visits
  • Repatriation
  • Prescription medication
  • Emergency medical evacuation

This plan will cover you internationally outside your home country for as low as $28 for one month! To view the details about our student health plan, you can view the details of the plan right online or contact our representatives for further information.

Seguro Medico Para Estudiantes Internacionales

July 26th, 2010 by International-Student-Insurance

Si usted es un estudiante internacional planeando a estudiar en otro país, es importante a saber sobre su sistema de salud. Por ejemplo, el sistema de salud en los Estados Unidos es privada y puede ser muy caro si no tenga un seguro medico. Para darse un ejemplo, una visita al hospital puede costar $2,500 y este no incluye la ambulancia, medicinas, etc.! Para prevenir este costo, nos recomienda un seguro medico internacional.

El plan Student Secure es nuestro seguro de salud para estudiantes internacionales. Este plan viene en dos niveles: selecto y económico. El plan provee la cobertura de una póliza integral de seguro médico con una cobertura máxima de $250,000 (económico) o $300,000 (selecto). El Student Secure cubre un estudiante fuera de su pais de origen y incluye maternidad, trastornos mentales, medicamentos recetados, actividades deportivas organizadas, evacuación médica a caso de emergencia, repatriación de restos, cargos incurridos por médicos y más.

Para ver más información sobre el plan, puede ver los detalles aquí o hablar con un representante.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter

July 2nd, 2010 by International-Student-Insurance

Want to keep up with all the latest news, information and interact with us on a more regular basis? If the answer is yes, or you just want to stop by and say “Hi!” then you should check out our twitter and facebook pages. We have lots of information on there, and you can interact with us, ask us questions and much more!

You can find us by clicking on the image below:

We look forward to seeing you on there and please stop by and say hi!

The Team

Your School Insurance Requirements

June 24th, 2010 by International-Student-Insurance

As the school season approaches, it is that time of year where you are beginning to receive information about your school’s insurance plan. Every school has their own insurance requirements and it may be difficult to stay up to date with this information. To help you, we have developed a school requirement resource that will provide easy navigation to find the specifics about your school.

We have recently updated this information for the upcoming year and we are constantly updating our records to help assist you in finding the best insurance value! Each school has been reviewed to provide you with the most comprehensive information including direct links to your school’s insurance page and to identify which level of the Student Secure plan will work for you.

Our School Requirement database features a direct link to your school’s insurance requirements. Our Student Secure plan meets many school requirements, provides comprehensive coverage, and in the end will save you money! The Student Secure features the following benefits:

  • Comprehensive inpatient and outpatient care
  • Prescription Medication
  • Evacuation/ Repatriation
  • Maternity coverage
  • Mental health
  • Sports coverage

Please visit our School Requirement page today!

Canadian Working Holiday Insurance

May 19th, 2010 by International-Student-Insurance

Canada has opened its doors to embrace the idea of individuals traveling, working and living abroad. The Canadian Working Holiday Program has been gaining popularity as countries are sending individuals between 18 and 35 on an exchange program to a foreign country. Currently, there are several countries involved in this exchange agreement including:

  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Chile
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • France
  • Germany
  • Hong Kong
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • South Korea
  • Latvia
  • New Zealand
  • The Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • United Kingdom

As part of the requirements, the Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada requires that individuals must have insurance coverage for their entire stay in Canada. Participants will be required to present proof of insurance when they initially enter Canada to the Port of Entry Officer. The requirements for the Canadian Working Holiday program specify that the insurance must cover health care, hospitalization and repatriation as well as indicate Canada as the host country.

One popular option is the Canadian Working Holiday insurance plan that will meet the Canadian visa requirements. Not only will it meet and exceed these requirements, but you will have access to manage your plan online and have additional travel coverage while living and working abroad.

Insurance for your Backpacking Trip

April 15th, 2010 by International-Student-Insurance

Summer is right around the corner, close but not close enough. Sleeping has become difficult since all you can think about is your international adventure. You’ve just invested in a monstrous backpack that you’re debating to fill with either your clothing or the family dog. Eventually, you conclude after much thought and scrutiny, the family dog would not be as excited sitting in the baggage space compartment for the long hours. Instead, you settle on your clothes.

As summer approaches, you have accumulated your “must-haves” and sorted them into different piles nearside your bag. Your backpack is beginning to shrink as the size of your various piles are now overshadowing the size of your pack. As you open your bag and begin to fill it, you realize that the bag just doesn’t look as big as before – in fact, it doesn’t even close with half the stuff! Okay, you think, I’ll just economize and take only the most important items. After all, you have just embraced the life of a vagabond.

Then, when you thought the day couldn’t approach sooner – you finally are able to zipper the bag without having to sit on it. You have your boarding pass in hand; your friend is on his way to drop you off hours in advance to satisfy the special international traveling requirement; and you feel like you are missing something. You know that you have gone through the content of your pack at least a dozen times imagining different scenarios to ensure that you have everything.

All of a sudden, you realize you do not have insurance for your backpacking trip. You were planning to climb mountains, perhaps go whitewater rafting, and have always wanted to try the zip line! This is where international travel insurance is important as you backpack around. Not only will it cover you for your extreme adventures, but what about if your hostel roommate gets you sick? All of this is important when considering insurance for your backpacking trip. This way, you know that all the what-if’s are taken care of and it doesn’t even take up space in your pack!

Schengen Visas Just Got Easier with the Visa Code

April 7th, 2010 by International-Student-Insurance

Good news for those traveling to Europe! Twenty-five countries have just agreed to make the visa process for short-term trips even more convenient. Under this newly instituted agreement, the Visa Code allows visitors traveling up to 90 days (for every 180 days) to travel country-to-country without passport checks. According to the European Commission, this area includes EU and non-EU countries including the following:

  • EU Member States, except for UK and Ireland
  • Iceland, Norway and Switzerland
  • And soon to be Bulgaria, Romania and Cyprus once they become part of the Schengen area

Not only has it made the travel process easier, but it has also shortened your wait to find out about your visa status. With the implementation of the Visa Code, officials now have to interview you within 2 weeks and then provide a decision on your visa status within 15 days. Currently, visa requests can be denied without explanation, however on April 5, 2011 this will all change. Not only will you be provided with a reason should your visa be denied, but you will have the ability to appeal.

One of the requirements of the Schengen Visa is to show proof of insurance. The Atlas Travel plan meets and exceeds the Schengen visa requirements and is well suited for short-term trip through multiple countries. This plan also issues a customized visa letter that meets the Schengen visa requirements. Click here to find out more about our Travel Medical Insurance plan.

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