November 2013 Travel Warnings

November 15th, 2013 by Ross Mason

travel-warningThe November 2013 travel warnings are a listing of any warnings that have been posted by the US Department of State in the month of October, warning travelers who plan to visit those countries. Remember to exercise extra care if you are visiting these countries, and check with your travel insurance provider to make sure you still have coverage in place – sometimes some benefits can be excluded for countries under a travel warning.

Countries listed through the month of October 2013 include:

Democratic Republic of Congo – October 24th, 2013

The Department recommends you avoid all travel to the city of Goma and the province of North Kivu, and all but essential travel to the province of South Kivu and the Ituri region in the province of Orientale. With ongoing instability and violence in North and South Kivu, northeastern Orientale, and northern and central Katanga province, the Department’s ability to provide consular services to U.S. citizens in these regions of the DRC is extremely limited.

Republic of South Sudan – October 22nd, 2013

The Department of State strongly recommends that you avoid all travel to the states in the border region between Sudan and South Sudan (Upper Nile, Unity, and Western Bahr el Ghazal states in South Sudan; Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile states in Sudan; and the Abyei Special Administrative District). Although fighting between Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) has declined since spring 2012, the potential for troop build-ups along the border and renewed fighting remains.

Sudan – October 11th, 2013

The Department of State urges travelers to avoid all travel to the Darfur region of Sudan, the Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan states, and advises you to consider carefully the risks of travel in other areas of Sudan. On September 14, 2012, the U.S. Embassy in Khartoum was attacked during a protest demonstration, resulting in a six-month ordered departure of all non-essential staff and accompanying family members.

Burundi – October 11th, 2013

The Department of State warns of the risks of traveling to Burundi, reiterating existing security concerns and notes the security restrictions on travel for Embassy personnel remain in place. Because Burundi participates in peacekeeping operations in Somalia, the terrorist organization al-Shabaab, based in Somalia, has threatened to conduct terror attacks in Burundi. It may also target U.S. interests in Burundi.

Colombia – October 11th, 2013

The Department of State has issued a Travel Warning for Colombia to inform travelers about the security situation in Colombia. Security in Colombia has improved significantly in recent years, including in tourist and business travel destinations such as Bogota and Cartagena, but violence linked to narco-trafficking continues to affect some rural areas and parts of large cities.

Chad – October 10th, 2013

The Department of State warns of the risks of travel to Chad and recommends avoiding travel to eastern Chad and border regions. Travelers should be particularly vigilant when visiting hotels, restaurants, markets, and easily accessible public areas that expatriates and foreign travelers frequent.

Lebanon – October 9th, 2013

The Department of State urges travelers to avoid all travel to Lebanon because of current safety and security concerns. The potential in Lebanon for a spontaneous upsurge in violence remains. Lebanese government authorities are not able to guarantee protection for citizens or visitors to the country should violence erupt suddenly.

Syria – October 7th, 2013

The Department of State continues to warn against travel to Syria and strongly recommends that those remaining in Syria depart immediately. The security situation remains volatile and unpredictable as an armed conflict between government and anti-government armed groups continues throughout the country, along with an increased risk of kidnappings, bombings, murder, and terrorism.

Tunisia – October 4th, 2013

The Department of State warns of travel to Tunisia as a “state of emergency” declared by the government of Tunisia remains in effect, and the U.S. Embassy continues to operate with limited staffing due to security concerns.  On September 14, 2012, violent mobs caused extensive property damage during an attack on the U.S. Embassy and the American Cooperative School of Tunis.

Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) – October 1st, 2013

The Department of State continues to warn travelers about visiting North Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, or DPRK). Those crossing into North Korea, even accidentally, have been subject to arbitrary arrest and long-term detention. Since January 2009, four U.S. citizens have been arrested for entering North Korea illegally, and two U.S. citizens who entered on valid DPRK visas were arrested inside North Korea on other charges.

While traveling, please keep these travel warnings in mind. Travelers are also advised to enroll through the U.S. Department of State’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to stay up to date on travel security information.

iie-logoYesterday saw the release of the 2013 Open Doors Report on International Education Exchange, which charts the development of international student and study abroad enrollment in the USA.

It is released each year to coincide with International Education Week (11th to the 15th November 2013) and this year it has shown a large increase in the number of international students who are studying in the USA and International Student Numbers in the USA Continue to Grow. Overall the total number of international students increased 7% to a record high of 819,644 students and the number of US students who are studying abroad increased by 3% to 283,000 – this was an increase from 2012 when growth was only 1%.

Digging deeper into the report and we can see where the students are coming from – with China growing their student numbers in the USA by 21.4% to take the top spot with 235,597 students. Second place goes to India  with 96,754 international students (a decrease of 3.5%) and South Korea with 70,627 (another decrease of 2.3%).

The growth in 2013 has come from the likes of China, Saudi Arabia (with an increase of 30.5% from 2012) and Brazil (an increase of 20.4% from 2012). The latter two countries have had large government run scholarship programs over the last year, which has driven the numbers up from those countries in particular.

For more information about the report, please visit:

Top 10 Ways to Fail your F1 Visa Interview

November 1st, 2013 by Victoria Troupe

F1 Visa Interview Tips

All international students know the stressful feeling of applying for and interviewing for an F1 student visa. Many students prepare for months, only to be denied their visa. The truth of the matter is that on paper, you might meet every qualification, but if you don’t have the right answers for your interviewer and be able to say them with substance and sincerity, you will not succeed. Here is a list of 10 things not to do during your interview:

1. Don’t show up

You are required to schedule and attend your interview before you can be granted an F1 visa.

2. Don’t bring all of the documents and receipts that are required

You must bring the following documents with you to your interview:

  • a valid passport
  • a Nonimmigrant Visa Application, Form DS-160
  • an application fee payment receipt
  • a passport photo
  • a Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant (F-1) Student Status (Form 1-20)

3. Be vague about your study plans and goals

Your interviewer will ask questions regarding your study plans. Does your major have to do with your previous studies or work from your home country? Make sure you can explain your goals to the consular officer.

4. Choose a university at random

To be granted an F1 visa, your choice of university must be carefully calculated. You must consider the caliber of the program you will enter as well as your living arrangements, and be able to prove your preparedness.

5. Underplay your academic capability

Can you be successful in a US university? Additional documents may be requested to prove your eligibility for the F-1 student visa, including academic transcripts, diplomas, degrees, or certificates. Test scores such as the TOEFLSATGRE, or GMAT may also be requested.

6. Don’t have a solid plan to finance your studies.

The most important factor determining your eligibility for the F1 visa is your ability to finance your entire program of study, including tuition and fees, room and board, transportation, travel,  health insurance, and all other relevant expenses.


7. Have no plans to return to your home country after graduation

The F1 visa is granted to students who have strong ties to their home country that will lead to their return to their home country after their studies are complete. This could include family, property, or even a job offer.

8. Lie during the interview

If, for any reason, your interviewer believes that you are being dishonest, you can be denied your F1 student visa.

9. Do not consider cultural differences

You must demonstrate cultural sensitivity and the ability to adapt and live in a different culture than your own. You must be open to new experiences.

10. Be nervous

If you are well-prepared for your interview, there is no need to be nervous during your interview. Make sure you have all of the required materials so that you can answer all of your interview questions with confidence.

Now that you know what not to do, it is time to start preparing for what you should do! Be sure to check out all of our F1 Student Visa articles too for more guidance regarding your F1 student visa.

Please note: We don’t provide any guidance or advice on how to apply for a student visa or what to do if rejected, we can only help you with your health insurance needs while in the US.

Top 5 Tips for Applying for OPT

October 28th, 2013 by Ross Mason

top5-optFor most international students, OPT is an excellent way to get further experience, but also to get their foot in the door at a US company. To learn more about what OPT is, please visit our insurance explained section where we have a range of articles that cover all areas of OPT in more depth. But for students looking to apply, here are our top 5 tips for you to follow:

  • Tip 1 – Apply Early!
    You do not need a job to apply for OPT, so get the process started well in advance. This will save you time and energy down the line but just remember that there are certain timelines you need to follow and times when you cannot apply, so do you research in advance!
  • Tip 2 – Double Check Everything!
    When you are completing your forms, make sure you check and then double check all your documents – or better yet have someone else look over them either at your school or a friend. You do not want to make a mistake, and if you have any questions just ask your school.
  • Tip 3 – Check Your Potential Employer!
    Although you do not need an employer to apply for OPT, you will want to start your job search in earnest to find a good position. But still be careful and do your research when looking for a job and be mindful of scams. Sometimes when an offer is too good to be true, it often is and you will want to do your research.
  • Tip 4 – Send Your Documents by Express Mail!
    It will only cost you a little bit more, but by sending all your documents to USCIS you have it fully tracked and you know it will get there on time!
  • Tip 5 – Don’t Forget About Insurance!
    In many cases, students applying for OPT will no longer be eligible for their schools insurance plan and your employer may not insure you either. So do your research and find the right student insurance plan for you to make sure you are covered.

For more information on applying for OPT, please check out our how to apply for OPT section.

Before You Study Abroad Don’t Forget To…

October 25th, 2013 by Bryanna Davis

planeonmouse100838166The trip that you’ve been dreaming of for years is finally here – not just a week cruise or weekend road trip, but a whole semester or year of cultural exploration! It’s time to study abroad, but before you do, don’t forget the following:

  • Know where you are going 
    It may seem obvious, but with all of the excitement and plans to tend to, a few travel details can be overlooked. Make sure you buy your plane ticket but also have arrangements made for once you get into your host country. Many schools will help their new international students get to the university once they arrive- contact your host school ahead of time and see if they offer this service.
  • Keep a record:
    Make sure you bring a copy of each of your important documents along with you and leave a copy with a trusted friend or family member. A few documents you will want to make copies of before you study abroad will include your passport, visa, birth certificate, study abroad insurance and travel itinerary.
  • Get your finances in order:
    It’s best to start out with a small amount of the currency that your host country uses, this will be helpful during those first few hours as you don’t want to be stuck at the airport in a foreign country with no money and no cash machine in site. Also, look into what the international cash machine fee will be and make sure you notify your bank and credit card companies of your time abroad so they don’t freeze your account.
  • Remember you will be coming back:
    Before you study abroad you will need to prepare for your time in your host country, but also when you return. This means make sure your credits will transfer for the classes you choose to take, that you keep a healthy relationship with those back home, that you have your housing arrangement for when you return lined up and you understand that returning will be just as much of an adjustment as going abroad.

Make sure you do plenty of research when it comes to preparing for study abroad as you can never be “too ready.”

Most international students are young and healthy and think they don’t need to have health insurance during their time as an international student.  I’m here to tell you otherwise – you need to have it! Accidents, injuries or an illness can happen anytime and you don’t want to be left paying out of pocket for medical expenses.emergency and accident sign177453017

Picture this:

You’re heading to class on a rainy day. You’re also running a little behind because you overslept from a late night study session. You’re not paying attention and slip and fall.  You try to get up but realize you can’t. You’re in tremendous pain and think you’ve broken your ankle. What do you do now?

Luckily, a friend offers to help and takes you to the nearest emergency room.  You arrive at the hospital where doctors will need to perform a series of tests and x-ray’s to check your ankle.

But wait!

The hospital wants to know how you’re going to pay for your medical care. “Do you have health insurance? If not, we’ll need cash or a credit card for payment – before we will treat you!”

The cost for an emergency room visit for a broken ankle can be more than $1,000 and the x-rays start around $500. They have also said that you’ll need prescription medication for pain and inflammation. Prescription drugs could cost $100 or more!  I don’t know about you but I usually don’t have $1,600 on hand to give to medical providers. We haven’t even talked about the follow-up care and physical therapy that you’ll more than likely need.  This will also cost money – adding to your out-of pocket expenses.

As you can see, medical care inside the US is expensive!  This is why you need to have international student health insurance.  In order to get medical treatment in the US, you need to have health insurance or you will have to pay upfront for medical care.

If you have international student health insurance, you can simply show your insurance ID card for billing. Typically, there is a small deductible or copay that you would be required to pay upfront and then the insurance company will pay the difference (depending on the plan benefits and wording).  You can read more about what a deducible is on our resource page about insurance terminology.

For more information on why you should have international student health insurance click here.

8th Annual Travel Video Contest

October 7th, 2013 by Ross Mason

video-contestFancy yourself as a budding movie director? Want to win $4,000?

If you answered yes to either of those questions, you should take a look at the 8th Annual Travel Video Contest! Run each year, the contest is now in its 8th year and provides international students and travelers with the opportunity to showcase their film making skills and explain why they want to travel or study abroad. The entries over the past few years have been excellent, as you can see from the previous year entries, but for an international student its a great way to showcase your education abroad and potentially win some money.

So whats involved?

The setup if easy, in under 5 minutes you need to explain why you want to study abroad (if you have not done so yet) or if you are a student already studying abroad  you can explain why you want to travel somewhere in the world. That is essentially it – but you need to be creative and original, and explain your story in the best way possible to catch the eye of the judges.

Full information on the requirements and how to enter are on their website, but good luck and hopefully you can be in with a chance to win $4,000!

3 Ways to Stay Health During the Flu Season

October 4th, 2013 by Jennifer Frankel

flu111932943A new flu season may be starting in the United States as there have been increasing reports throughout the country. According to FluNearYou, a company that tracks flu conditions by personal reports, 2 percent of the 50,000 people enrolled in the system reported flu like symptoms – this up from 1% at the same time last year.

With the flu season upon us, it’s important to take action now to prevent you from falling ill. As we all know, getting sick is just no fun. Not only do you feel tired and achy, but once you are revived you have a lot to catch up on – including missed school and homework.

According to the Center of Disease Control, there is a “Take 3” action plan designed to fight the flu:

1. Get the flu vaccine
The flu vaccine is available right now and protects against three different virus strains. You can get the vaccine at CVS, Walgreens, Duane Reade, walk in clinics, and doctor offices, among other places. Many insurance plans do not cover the flu shot so be sure to ask how much it costs and be ready to pay up front.

2. Prevent the spread of germs
This is probably easier said than done – but it’s important to think about how to stop the spread of germs to prevent you and others from getting sick. You should try to avoid close contact with sick people, and make sure that you avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose. Wash your hands as often as possible and cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze or cough.

3. Flu Antiviral Drugs
Some doctors will prescribe aniviral drugs to help treat your symptoms. The flu typically lasts a little over a week and these drugs can soften the symptoms and shorten the time you’re sick. According to the CDC, these drugs work best if you start taking them within 2 days of first experiencing symptoms.

You may have the flu if you experience the following symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Body aches
  • Headache
  • Chills
  • Fatigue
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea

October 2013 Travel Warnings

September 30th, 2013 by Jennifer Frankel

travel-warningThe October 2013 travel warnings are a listing of any warnings that have been posted by the US Department of State in the month of September, warning travelers who plan to visit those countries. Remember to exercise extra care if you are visiting these countries, and check with your travel insurance provider to make sure you still have coverage in place – sometimes some benefits can be excluded for countries under a travel warning.
Countries listed through the month of September 2013 include:

Kenya – September 27, 2013

In light of the recent attack on at Nairobi shopping mall, the US Department of State has issued a travel warning which warns US citizens of the risks of traveling to Kenya. The levels of risk vary throughout the country. Citizens in Kenya or who are considering traveling to Kenya should evaluate their personal security situation in light of continuing and recently heightened threats from terrorism and the high rate of crime in some areas.

Turkey – September 6, 2013

The US Department of State warns US citizens traveling or living in Turkey that the US Consulate General in Adana has been authorized to draw down its non-emergency staff and family members because of potential threats against US government facilities and personnel. The Department of State recommends that US citizens defer all non-essential travel to southeast Turkey, and citizens traveling or residing in Turkey should be alert to the potential for violence. US citizens are encouraged to avoid demonstrations and large gatherings, although there have yet been no direct attacks on US citizens.

Lebanon – September 6, 2013

US citizens are urged to avoid all travel to Lebanon due to current safety and security concerns. US citizens living and working in Lebanon should understand that they accept risks in remaining and should carefully consider those risks. The Department of State drew down non-emergency personnel and family members from Embassy Beirut due to potential threats to US Mission facilities and personnel on September 6. The potential for a spontaneous upsurge in violence remains, and Lebanese government authorities are not able to guarantee protection for citizens or visitors to the country should violence erupt suddenly.

Pakistan – September 6, 2013

The Department of State warns US citizens to defer all non-essential travel to Pakistan. This Travel Warning replaces the Travel Warning from August 9 that reminded US citizens of ongoing security concerns in Pakistan. Public and consular services at the US Consulate General in Lahore remain unavailable, although routine consular services are available at the US Embassy in Islamabad or the US Consulate General in Karachi.

Iraq – September 5, 2013

The Department of State warns US citizens against all but essential travel to Iraq. Given the current security situation, travel within Iraq remains dangerous. This Travel Warning replaces the Travel Warning from February 25, 2013, to update information on security incidents and to remind US citizens of ongoing security concerns in Iraq, including kidnapping and terrorist violence. The ability of the Embassy to respond to situation in which US citizens face difficulty, including arrests, is extremely limited.

While traveling, please keep these September 2013 travel warnings in mind. Travelers are also advised to enroll through the U.S. Department of State’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to stay up to date on travel security information.

Student Health Insurance for Study in Brazil

September 27th, 2013 by Jennifer Frankel

south america166355202When preparing to study abroad, there are a number of concerns that students need to take into consideration. Not the least of these concerns is the matter of health insurance. It is important for students to be familiar with the health system of their host country, so that they are prepared and know what to expect should they become sick or injured during their stay.

Since 1988, everyone in Brazil—including legal foreign residents such as international students—has guaranteed access to medical care. The Brazilian health care system is composed of a large public, government managed system, the Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), which serves the majority of the population, and a private sector, managed by health insurance funds and private entrepreneurs.

SUS sits on three basic principles of universality, comprehensiveness, and equity. Universality states that all citizens must have access to health care services, without any form of discrimination regarding skin color, income, social services, gender, or any other variable. People who make use of the government’s free public health system pay nothing for doctors’ fees, lab fees, hospitalization, surgery, or prescription drugs.

However, because wait times are long and the private system provides better care, the more affluent Brazilians generally use the private system, which covers about 20% of the Brazilian population. Though foreign residents in Brazil are covered by SUS, the majority of them choose private health insurance in Brazil. We recommend that international students invest in private health insurance before setting out on their study abroad.

Many insurance firms in Brazil offer four principle types of medical insurance plans: private health insurance, prepaid group practice, medical cooperatives, and company health plans. Costs of private insurance in Brazil vary according to the provider, coverage, and region. The plans also offer varying terms and conditions. For example, some private health insurance policies require the policy holder to pay the hospital bill up front and then obtain reimbursement from the insurance company, while other insurance companies will pay the bill immediately.

Another option is to choose to purchase student health insurance back home before departing for Brazil. You might find that your current health insurance provider has participating doctors and hospitals in Brazil, and extends coverage to you during your travels. If this is not the case, we offer a number of plans to students who are planning on studying, traveling, or visiting in Brazil, including the Atlas Travel and Student Secure plans. Make sure to examine a policy carefully before purchasing it, to ensure that it meets your specific needs.

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