Insurance for International Students in Japan

April 14th, 2014 by Victoria Troupe

JapanJapan has become a popular destination for international students and it’s no surprise. Japanese educational institutions offer high education standards as well as affordable tuition. Like all people studying internationally, you will want to consider your health insurance options while you are in Japan. Your options differ depending on the longevity of your stay. Here is a breakdown of insurance alternatives for international students in Japan.

If you’re staying for 1 year or more…

If you’re staying for more than year you will be required to enroll in Japan’s National Health Insurance upon arrival. You’ll enroll with your Alien Registration Card and the coverage is free. The Japanese National Health plan generally covers 70% of medical costs, leaving you responsible for the remaining 30% of your medical costs, which you’ll need to pay out of your own pocket. Additionally, the national coverage is not all-inclusive – meaning that some cases, like private medical treatment, emergency medical evacuation, and trip interruption, are excluded from coverage.

In a situation like this, international students in Japan should purchase an additional, secondary insurance policy to be sure you have adequate coverage while you are in a foreign place. As a full-time international student or scholar you are eligible for the International Student Insurance plan and you can renew it for up to 4 years while you are a student. If you change your visa status or plan on being in Japan for longer than 4 years, also consider our Major Medical plan, which can cover you worldwide with no student requirement.

If you’re staying for 1 year or less…

If you’re studying in or visiting Japan for less than 1 year you are not required to enroll in the National Health Insurance. You should consider purchasing a student or travel insurance plan to protect you in case you become ill or injured. Our popular International Student Insurance and Travel Medical plans are both good options for a short study abroad.

For more information, check out our “Japan Student Insurance” resource.

Top Tips When Traveling Alone as a Female

April 11th, 2014 by Bryanna Davis

female on hill 478324639Although violence against women is higher in some countries than others- an attack can happen anywhere around the world when traveling. While this doesn’t mean that females should avoid travel or be restricted to traveling with a partner, it does mean that being a smart female traveler can save your life. Here are a few top tips when traveling alone as a female to keep you safe.

  1. Know where you are going. Walking off the beaten path and letting your feet take you where wherever they want to go can be exciting- but it can also be very dangerous. This can lead you to an area high in crime or get you lost which opens the door to danger. Since stopping to ask for directions or looking at a map can give you the label of being a vulnerable tourist- always appear that you know where you are going. If possible, wait to look at your map until you are out of the street and in a more private location such as a supermarket or restaurant. If you need to ask for directions look for a police officer for assistance.
  2. Follow the advice of local women. If you are in a potentially dangerous situation and a local woman tells you to run or scream chances are you will want to take her advice. You will also want to observe the dress code and demeanor of women in the country you are visiting and try to follow suit to avoid from standing out and being targeted for crime.
  3. Even if you have it- don’t flaunt it. Avoid wearing flashy jewelry or clothing with expensive labels. Appearing to have expensive materials will make you stand out to thieves.
  4. Be aware of your surroundings. If streets become less crowded, consider turning back since it’s always best to stick to main roads. Additionally, if you notice that you have seen a face more times than you should in one day or hour, take note if they are following you. If you think you are being followed pretend like you are calling a friend and ensure your follower hears you say into your phone “I will see you in a few minutes”. If they continue to follow you then walk into a restaurant and chat with one of the staff or someone who appears safe.
  5. Have protection. Protection can come in many forms, here are a few ideas that you might want to choose from. If you have time before your trip take a few self-defense classes. This will allow you to see how a thief would attack and how you can get away. If a self-defense class isn’t possible, look into purchasing and carrying mace spray (if legal in the country you are from and visiting) or a heavy flashlight. A flashlight can not only come in handy if lead down a dark street, but also if needed as a last resort weapon.

It’s important to stay safe but not allow fear of the unknown to ruin your trip. Simply follow these top tips when traveling alone as a female and listen to your gut instinct to help ensure you come back safe and sound from your journey.

April 2014 Travel Warnings

April 7th, 2014 by Ross Mason
April 2014 Travel Warnings

April 2014 Travel Warnings

The April 2014 travel warnings are a listing of any warnings that have been posted by the US Department of State in the month of March, warning travelers who plan to visit those countries.

Countries listed through the month of March 2014 include:

Niger – March 27th 2014

The Department of State warns travelers of the risks of travel to Niger. The Government of Niger continues to maintain security checkpoints in Niamey to address security concerns. The US Embassy in Niger recommends that citizens traveling in Niger remain especially careful around security checkpoints, as security forces continue to be on a heightened state of alert. Do not drive away from, or through, a checkpoint until you are given clear permission to do so. If you are unsure of what to do, please request verbal confirmation before proceeding.

Ukraine – March 21st, 2014

The Department of State warns travelers to defer all non-essential travel to Ukraine and to defer all travel to the Crimean Peninsula and eastern regions of Kharkiv, Donetsk and Lugansk due to the presence of Russian military forces in the Crimean Peninsula, and in Russia near the Ukrainian border. Russia is taking actions in support of its attempt to annex the Crimean Peninsula and is likely to continue to take further actions in the Crimean Peninsula consistent with its claim.

Mali – March 21st, 2014

The U.S. Department of State warns travelers to consider carefully the risks of travel to Mali, given continuing aspirations of terrorists to conduct attacks. They strongly warn against travel to the northern parts of the country and along the border with Mauritania, particularly in areas that are not patrolled and where there is little to no security presence. There remains ongoing conflict in northern Mali and continuing threats of attacks on and kidnappings of westerners and others.

Mauritania – March 12th, 2014

The Department of State warns of the risks of traveling to Mauritania, and urges those who travel to Mauritania to exercise extreme caution because of activities by terrorist groups in the region, including al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). AQIM continues to demonstrate its intent and ability to conduct attacks against foreign nationals, including U.S. citizens.

Haiti – March 12th, 2014

The Department of State has issued this Travel Warning to inform those traveling to or living in Haiti to exercise caution when visiting Haiti given Haiti’s weak emergency response infrastructure. Hundreds of thousands of U.S. citizens safely visit Haiti each year, but the poor state of Haiti’s emergency response network should be carefully considered when planning travel.

Iraq – March 6th, 2014

The Department of State warns travelers against all but essential travel to Iraq. U.S. citizens in Iraq remain at high risk for kidnapping and terrorist violence.  Methods of attack have included roadside improvised explosive devices (IEDs), including explosively formed penetrators (EFPs); magnetic IEDs placed on vehicles; human and vehicle-borne IEDs; mines placed on or concealed near roads; mortars and rockets; and shootings using various direct fire weapons. These and other attacks frequently occur in public gathering places, such as cafes, markets and other public venues.

While traveling, please keep these travel warnings in mind and remember to exercise extra care if you are visiting these countries, and check with your travel insurance provider to make sure you still have coverage in place – sometimes some benefits can be excluded for countries under a travel warning. Travelers are also advised to enroll through the U.S. Department of State’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to stay up to date on travel security information.

High School Exchange Health Insurance

April 4th, 2014 by Ross Mason
High School Year Abroad

High School Year Abroad

Every year, nearly 50,000 students come into the USA on the J1 visa and participant in high school exchange programs. That number also does not include the students who come in on the F1 visa, so the total number of international high school students could easily be double that. Then when you look at other countries, that number will rise even further as students are looking at countries such as Ireland and the UK as destinations to participate in a high school year abroad program.

For the student, it can be an incredibly rewarding experience to have a high school exchange and year abroad, opening you up to new cultures at such an early age. But there are also the risks of being underage, and how to handle that from a health and safety perspective. Luckily there are some fantastic high school agencies and organizations that run these programs and handle these issues already. However, when it comes to high school exchange health insurance, a few key things to remember:

Visa Requirements

For the USA, if you are entering on a J1 visa, you will need to meet certain levels of coverage as laid out in the regulations for that visa. In short you will need a plan that has at least $50,000 in coverage, $10,000 for medical evacuation, $7,500 for repatriation, a deductible not to exceed $500 and a policy that meets one of the valid insurance ratings. You can find more information on the J1 visa health insurance requirements through our website. For those on an F1 visa, there are actually no requirements attached to your visa, so you can choose any insurance policy that you wish. However in most cases, your school, agency or sponsoring organization will provide you with an insurance plan – you can either purchase that or buy your own individual plan like the ones we offer on our website. For other countries around the world, you should always check to see that you are meeting all your visa requirements, otherwise you could have issues with your via being approved.

Update to J1 Insurance Requirements – as of May 15th 2015, the insurance requirements for the J1 Visa will increase to $100,000 medical, $50,000 evacuation, $25,000 for repatriation. You can find all the details about the update in our blog post here.


Being abroad, and a minor in most cases, receiving the correct service and support is vital if you do become sick or injured. Your insurance plan should have 24 hour emergency assistance so that if you need to locate a doctor, or need medical help of any kind, they are just a phone call away. Language support is also very helpful, because if you are learning a new language, it may be hard to converse – so support for your mother tongue can be vital.

Emergency Reunion

Should something go wrong and you are hospitalized, you will want the insurance plan to get your close family to your bedside as quickly as possible. Therefore always check that your insurance plan has an emergency reunion benefit that will provide a benefit to bring your family to your bedside. The wording on this benefit can alter from insurer to insurer, so always make sure you dig into the wording so that you understand how that benefit will work and come into play for you.

Third Party Access

In most cases when you undertake a high school exchange, you will be staying with a host family. They will act like your mother and father during your year away, and will also be there to help you with things like your insurance plan, should you become sick or injured. You should always check in advance that they can act on your behalf as in some cases, privacy laws will prevent an insurer from discussing information about a claim with anyone apart from the insured.

Th experience of spending a high school year abroad can be an amazing one, and with the right precautions you can make sure everything is covered in the event something does go wrong.

wooden clogs 93150983There are currently more than 65,000 international students in the Netherlands and for many good reasons. The Netherlands is one of the safest countries in the world- this means not only can students from around the world rest assured that they won’t have too many safety blunders while abroad, but convincing parents to allow a semester, year or degree pursuit overseas to happen is much easier. Safety combined with the endless number of things to do and culture to experience, along with being a hub to other European countries, makes the Netherlands a desirable location to study.

Students who choose to study in the Netherlands must keep in mind that having health insurance for medical expenses is required. Students can locate their situation below and see what type of health insurance for international students in the Netherlands is needed as detailed in the Aliens Law.

International students under the age of 30:

  • Those not from the EU, EEA or Switzerland will need to take out private health insurance. Private insurance is only required to include coverage for medical expenses, however, coverage for repatriation and liability can also be beneficial for students in the Netherlands.
  • If from the EU, EEA or Switzerland you are able to use the EU Health Insurance card. Those who fall into this category often choose to purchase repatriation coverage as the Dutch health insurance does not cover repatriation insurance.

International students over the age of 30:

  • If permanently studying in the Netherlands, these students will need to obtain Dutch public healthcare insurance. Purchasing repatriation coverage is suggested in this situation as well.

Only students in the Netherlands who are there solely for study purposes are able to purchase a private health insurance plan. This means that any student that has a job (even part-time) or an internship will be required to obtain Dutch public healthcare insurance.

Get more information on health insurance for international students in the Netherlands here.

The Importance of Sleep as an International Student

March 28th, 2014 by Jennifer Frankel

sleeping457262667A healthy sleep schedule is essential for any student to succeed, and yet university life makes this difficult with its constant bombardment of social and academic pressures. These pressures can be even further compounded for an international student abroad; the foreign culture and environment you have entered combine to make even more distractions as you try to balance these new experiences with your academic responsibilities. Follow these tips in order to make sure you get the most out of your snooze:

1. Jet Lag: Whether it lasts for one day or one week, jet lag is something you should try to overcome as soon as possible. If you are traveling in the north/south direction, you may only need to maintain your normal sleep habits while traveling, as the time zone will remain consistent. You can compensate your east/west travels by adapting to the sleep patterns of your destination. Try not to nap until it is bedtime.

2. Create a Routine: Know when it is time to stop your studies for the night and put social demands behind you. Find a way to relax like with a hot shower, or by reading a book. Avoid screens and lights; televisions, computers and cell phones will only increase your restlessness. Tell your body it is time for sleep with a routine.

3. Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol: While coffee increases a student’s alertness, and parties offer that student distractions, take both caffeine and alcohol in moderation. Neither should be taken within three hours of your bedtime routine. Natural sleep is the healthiest sleep.

4. Your Bed is For Sleep: Don’t do anything in your bed besides sleep (and other bed related activities). Your bed is a place to relax. Take your homework and studying outside or to the library, or to a new part of town where you can see new places and meet exciting new people!

Want to learn more about staying health while outside your home country? Read our 5 ways to stay fit and healthy article to make sure you make the most of your international experience. Do you have any sleep tips to share? Send us your comments below or share it with us via Facebook, Twitter or Google+.

Maternity Coverage for International Students

March 21st, 2014 by Victoria Troupe

When you’re studying internationally, choosing the right insurance plan can be daunting. You want to make sure you’re covered in case you need to seek medical attention. If you are a woman studying internationally or if your wife is traveling with you while you study internationally, maternity coverage may or may not be on your mind. Pregnancies can occur, planned or not, and health care for it can be expensive. Maternity benefits are an important part of a comprehensive international student insurance plan.

Check out our Student Secure insurance that could cover maternity

A typical pregnancy includes prenatal care, delivery, and postnatal care with a doctor to ensure a healthy baby and mother. Prenatal care includes visits and check-ups with the doctor before the baby is born. It includes ultrasounds and other tests to make sure the baby is developing in a healthy way. If your pregnancy is considered high-risk because of your age or health conditions, you may require more frequent visits and special care. You may also need to see a doctor who works with high-risk pregnancies. Without insurance, prenatal care alone typically costs around $2,000 or more in the USA.

The delivery of a baby includes a hospital stay which can vary in length depending on the type of birth and complications, and is the most expensive portion of the pregnancy. Delivery can range in cost from around $3,000 for uncomplicated vaginal births, around $5,000 for cesarean, to over $7,000 for complicated births. Postnatal care lasts six to eight weeks after the birth and ensures the physical and emotional health of the mother and baby.

light bulb importantMost insurance plans will not cover a pregnancy if you are pregnant before your plan starts – so think ahead!

All of these expenses add up fast and if your insurance plan does not include maternity coverage you might find yourself in a tight spot. Additionally, most insurance plans will not cover a pregnancy if you become pregnant before your policy becomes effective – so think ahead! Our Major Medical plan – the Global Medical – has an optional maternity rider that you can add to your policy for an additional annual premium. This plan, however, does have a 12-month waiting period before you can receive full maternity benefits.

Maternity coverage is one of many important considerations when choosing your insurance plan. For more information, please visit our Insurance Explained section or contact our friendly customer service representatives.

Blog Updated on 9/21/18. Please click here to learn more about coverage for maternity:

Schengen Visa Travel Easier?

March 21st, 2014 by Ross Mason

Schengen Visa Travel

Schengen Visa Travel

With the recent news that travelers from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) will no longer need to apply for the Schengen Visa to travel to Europe, travel to Europe for citizens from the UAE will be much easier.

The restriction will be lifted once a joint team meets to execute the new resolution, and hopefully this will be implemented as soon as possible. There were also talks recently where Kuwait were pushing for the exemption for their citizens – but no decision has been made there yet.

We also learned just this week that the EU commission has approved a whole range of changes to make Schengen Visa Travel easier for everyone with alterations to the actual visa process. This includes changes such as the requirement of supporting documentation, introduction of multi-entry visas and removal of the fee for those under 18 years old. It is not clear when any of these restrictions and changes will be implemented, but it should make travel to the Schengen Countries easier for many.

At the moment the current regulations still apply, and so if you are planning to travel to any of the Schengen countries for up to 90 days you will need to apply for a Schengen Visa before you travel. To learn more about the process of applying for a visa, please visit our website here, where you can find out what countries it impacts and what documentation your need.

The Schengen Visa also has very specific insurance requirements, making sure you are covered when you travel through the countries. If you need assistance in purchasing or finding the right plan for your visa, please let us know.

Hopefully when these new changes come into play, travel to Schengen Countries will be much easier and more streamlined!

International Student Insurance Has A New Look!

March 14th, 2014 by Jennifer Frankel

ISI-Logo-2014In case you didn’t notice, International Student Insurance has a new look! You may have noticed that we’ve updated our logo and you’ll see him popping up all over – throughout our website, Facebook, Twitter, Google +, emails and more!

Our new logo marks a unification of our network of sites. While his color may change, he will not. This logo is currently being phased in throughout our entire network – so be on the look out and see how many colors you can spot!

Not only that, but our new logo also starts our refresh of International Student Insurance that you’ll see throughout the year. We are excited to spend the next year improving the user experience, from more engaging and interactive pages, a fresh look, and lots of fun through our social media accounts.

We look forward to traveling with you on your journey overseas, and want to make sure that we are there when you need us. We will continue offering great insurance products to meet your everyday international needs.

Want more? Check out the latest:

  • Insurance Explained Section – Here you will find important information on health insurance, safety and wellness. Check it out and become an expert!
  • Country Information – Are you traveling outside your home country and need more information on their health care and insurance requirements? Check out our student country pages.

Is there something you are looking for? Do you have questions about your insurance or healthcare? Let us know! Simply respond to this blog or find us on Facebook, Twitter or Google+. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Why You Need Emergency Medical Evacuation Coverage

March 10th, 2014 by Victoria Troupe

airport 11 blogWhen you’re traveling outside of your home country, you may be concerned about health insurance. If you get sick or injured you want to make sure you are protected in a foreign place. But what type of insurance do you need? Is regular health insurance enough? What most people don’t know is that traveling internationally comes with increased insurance benefit needs that you probably would not be compelled to have in your home country. These special international benefits are Emergency Medical Evacuation and Repatriation.

Emergency Medical Evacuation – When you’re far from home, it’s hard to know where the nearest medical facility is and/or if that facility can provide the kind of care you need in an emergency situation. Evacuation coverage typically covers expenses associated with a medical emergency that requires you to travel to find the nearest qualified medical facility. It also includes the cost of returning to your home country (in some cases) or back to the country where evacuation occurred.

This is not something most people consider when they aren’t traveling internationally. However, the expenses associated with an emergency medical evacuation can be quite expensive. The Sky Rescue Evacuation plan is an excellent option both as a basic travel insurance plan or as an add-on to a health insurance plan that covers you internationally. The plan also includes Emergency Reunion coverage, which pays for reasonable travel for a relative or friend to join you for support in case you are evacuated.

Repatriation– Also known as the Return of Mortal Remains, Repatriation is another important benefit that people often do not think about (or want to think about). Repatriation coverage will pay for the expenses associated with returning your body or ashes back to your home country in case you accidentally die during your travel. The Sky Rescue Evacuation plan also includes a Repatriation benefit in case the worst were to happen.

A lot of visas around the world require both Emergency Medical Evacuation and Repatriation coverage before you can enter the country. This applies to the  J-1 visa in the US and the Schengen visa in European countries. If you already have a plan that offers medical coverage internationally, the Sky Rescue will supplement your existing coverage to meet your requirements in most cases. You should also consider purchasing this coverage if it is not required, for your safety and for your family while you are traveling.

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