Lyfestyle Category

Developing a Budget While Studying Overseas

January 10th, 2025 by Sarah McCawley

Building a budget is a crucial step in preparing for travel. Doing so will assure that your financial situation allows you to study overseas and will lead you on a successful path so that you can enjoy your time there. Whether you are creating a budget sheet for personal financial clarity, to hold yourself to […]

How stress shapes our world

September 30th, 2024 by Angela Perrilliat

It may seem like stress is a very modern problem but it has always been there, the difference is that in today’s world we are now extremely aware of it, mention it, and acknowledge it as an everyday part of our lives. Now, although humans can share the same stressful experiences and situations, how we […]

Mental Health Awareness Month: Nature and Mental Health

March 28th, 2024 by Angela Perrilliat

Every year during the month of May, the United States celebrates Mental Health Awareness Month. The purpose of this is to raise awareness and educate the public about diverse topics that fall under the big umbrella that is mental health. Regarding this issue, you’ll learn about one specific situation that can be detrimental to mental […]

Why is everyone sick around winter time?

January 12th, 2024 by Angela Perrilliat

“Put your jacket on or else you’ll get the flu”, “stay off air streams or else you’ll get a cold”, do you remember your parents ever saying that to you as a kid? I do! Or how about now, after what we went through with covid, being paranoid of every sneeze and cough you hear? […]

Can friendships impact our health?

November 1st, 2023 by Maria Caballero

We are pretty much familiar with the word “friend”. A friend is usually the one you met for the first time at school or with whom you established a relationship simply by living in the building next door. Welcoming a friend into our lives should bring us joy and happiness, but a friendship goes much […]

Community Mental Health and What You Can Do to Take Action

June 6th, 2023 by Angela Perrilliat

Community mental health is a mix of actions that have the goal of improving mental health on a community or social level, tackling health problems and their determining factors in a comprehensive way.  Taking action in building a community of mental health awareness is important because we are all responsible for taking care of and […]

How does singing help improve your health?

May 19th, 2023 by Joss Jimenez

Singing is a universal human activity that has been enjoyed for centuries. It is a way to express ourselves, connect with others, and simply have fun. But did you know that singing can also be good for your health? Here are some therapeutic effects from singing: If you’re looking for a way to improve your […]

Energy drinks; their ingredients and their effects on our bodies.

April 14th, 2023 by Antonio Zapata

The effects of Energy Drinks and the possible health risk they imply.

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