International Student Travel Insurance Category

Blog posts that address issues related to travel insurance.

Travel Health Insurance for the World Cup

March 23rd, 2010 by International-Student-Insurance

With the world cup just under 3 months away, excitement around the world is starting to grow as teams and countries prepare for one of the largest tournaments in the world. 32 teams (and of course all their respective fans) will descend on South Africa in June when the tournament begins and this will mean […]

Travel Insurance for Parents

February 25th, 2010 by International-Student-Insurance

So you’ve been an international student for some time now, living on your own in a foreign country. You’ve been skyping back and forth with your parents, dealing with the intermittent phone calls that are sometimes hard to coordinate with the time change. But this time they’ve announced that they are ready to come for […]

Travelers Insurance for Haiti

February 5th, 2010 by International-Student-Insurance

After January’s earthquake, many volunteer groups have been traveling to Haiti to assist in disaster relief efforts. The earthquake measured a 7 on the Richter scale and caused extensive damage to the area surrounding the capital, Port Au Prince. If you plan on assisting with the relief in Haiti, it is important that you are […]

Spring Break Trip Insurance

February 3rd, 2010 by International-Student-Insurance

It’s almost that time of year again – it’s that one week off from school to kick back and relax. That is, kick back and relax in a foreign country! Whether you plan to enjoy the sun in Cancun, Mexico or if you’ll be navigating your way through the web of trains in Europe, you’ll […]

Health Insurance for ESL Students

January 22nd, 2010 by International-Student-Insurance

Learning English has become an important skill in today’s globalized world. More and more students are realizing the advantage of learning English including its growing importance in business. What better way to learn a language then to actually go abroad and be immersed in the culture and language? ESL programs are designed as an intensive […]

Emergency Medical Evacuation and Natural Disaster Coverage for International Students

January 15th, 2010 by International-Student-Insurance

As many of you are now aware there was a very serious earthquake in Haiti.  You may be wondering what you should do and who you can turn to for help in an emergency such as this. You can refer to FEMA’s web page about “What to do After an Earthquake” The most important things […]

Spain Student Insurance

December 10th, 2009 by International-Student-Insurance

If you are preparing to study in Spain, you will need Spain student insurance to meet the Spanish visa requirements. Spain is considered a Schengen country, which requires that you have 30,000 euros in coverage. However, the Embassy has added additional requirements for students studying in Spain. In addition to the minimum coverage requirement, your […]

Health insurance for Chinese students studying abroad

December 4th, 2009 by International-Student-Insurance

Chinese students make up a large portion of students studying abroad.  Health insurance is often times a big concern as most countries, colleges and Universities require that international students have it. The Atlas Travel Series is an excellent choice for health insurance for Chinese students studying abroad.  The Atlas Travel Series provides coverage to students […]

International Trip Insurance

October 16th, 2009 by International-Student-Insurance

Packing your bags is always an exciting beginning to your trip. Whether you are planning a rugged adventure action-packed with hiking, biking and camping or if you are planning to relax on a beach sampling the local cuisine, make sure that you leave fully prepared! While looking around for extra socks and fully updating your […]

Incidental Home Country Coverage

October 9th, 2009 by International-Student-Insurance

Do you plan on traveling abroad? Are you looking for an international travel insurance plan that will also cover you when you return home? This is a dilemma many travelers face when they no longer have health insurance in their country of origin. In this case, it is important to know your travel insurance plan […]

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