International Student Travel Insurance Category

Blog posts that address issues related to travel insurance.

Top 5 Claim Challenges…and How To Deal With Them!

January 15th, 2015 by Jennifer Frankel

No matter where your studies or travels take you, a good insurance plan can only be evaluated by the way they process and pay claims. For the overwhelming majority of people, the sophisticated claims payment and management systems set up by international insurers work very smoothly. However, what if it isn’t as smooth as you […]

Greek International Student Insurance Plans

May 16th, 2014 by Jennifer Frankel

Are you planning to study in Greece? If so, you will want to make sure you’ve got your Greek international student insurance plan in place before you go. That’s because even though they have nationalized health care, international students will not have coverage under this system. What type of insurance works best for Greece? The […]

Top 5 Tips on How To Compare Insurance Plans

April 28th, 2014 by Jennifer Frankel

Finding a health insurance plan that meets your needs and wallet isn’t easy. With so many options and difficult jargon, how is anyone suppose to figure out which plan is right for them? If you will be studying outside your home country, it’s important that you find an insurance plan that is suited to your […]

Insurance for Studying Abroad in Russia

April 25th, 2014 by Victoria Troupe

Students studying abroad in Russia get to experience one of the most exotic, vast countries in the world. While the size of Russia alone is outstanding, the cultural diversity and educational advantages of this special country are many. But venturing into the unknown comes with increased risks. The change in climate and exposure to new […]

Why You Need Emergency Medical Evacuation Coverage

March 10th, 2014 by Victoria Troupe

When you’re traveling outside of your home country, you may be concerned about health insurance. If you get sick or injured you want to make sure you are protected in a foreign place. But what type of insurance do you need? Is regular health insurance enough? What most people don’t know is that traveling internationally […]

Backpackers Insurance Plans

December 20th, 2013 by Ross Mason

With your backpack strapped to your back, no real itinerary set out apart from a vague idea of where you want to go – the thrill of backpacking around the world is second-to-none! The friendships you also make along the way are some of the things that will make the trip what it is, but […]

Do you have $1600 to spare? Why you need Health Insurance

October 16th, 2013 by akeller

Most international students are young and healthy and think they don’t need to have health insurance during their time as an international student.  I’m here to tell you otherwise – you need to have it! Accidents, injuries or an illness can happen anytime and you don’t want to be left paying out of pocket for […]

Study Abroad Insurance for Spain

September 15th, 2013 by Jennifer Frankel

If you are given the opportunity to study in Spain, you have a unique chance to explore and learn about an incredibly interesting and diverse region. With over 46 million people, Spain is home to a variety of regional identities including Baques, Catalans, Galicians, and Castilians. If you are hoping to learn Spanish—or maybe the […]

What’s the point of having travel insurance?

June 28th, 2013 by ahoontrakul

So you’re traveling abroad to another country and you heard that you should get travel insurance for yourself and wonder do I really need it? And what’s the point of having travel insurance anyway? Most people think that its either too expensive, or won’t cover me for what they need. We are here to dispel […]

Summer Travel Strikes in Europe

June 24th, 2013 by Ross Mason

It seems that as another summer rolls forward, we have yet more summer travel strikes in Europe. Last week we not only had the air traffic controllers in France striking, we also had the French rail network (SNCF) being crippled by strikes at the same time. The air traffic controllers caused the more widespread issues […]

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