Study Abroad Category

Blog posts that address insurance issues related to study abroad.

Tips for Taking a Road Trip in America

April 8th, 2011 by ahoontrakul

Americans are in love with cars and unless you live in one of the few major cities, you understand that it is hard to live without one. Because the United States is so big, there are vast distances between places and you will find that the public transportation is not as extensive as other countries. […]

iPad winner revealed!

April 4th, 2011 by ahoontrakul

After drawing the winner of the International Student Insurance Facebook Fan page iPad sweepstakes last Friday, we promised that we would be announcing the name of the winner today, so here we go! Our winner is from Hong Kong, but currently studying Chemical Engineering at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago. Kui Lun Tze […]

iPad Sweepstakes – Ending Today!

March 31st, 2011 by ahoontrakul

Our official Facebook fan page launch sweepstakes is coming to a close. Today, March 31st 2011 is the last day to enter for your  chance to win an Apple iPad from We will only be accepting new entries up to 11:59pm GMT-5, if you haven’t entered yet hurry before it’s too late – you […]

Thai International Student Health Insurance for Studying in the USA

March 25th, 2011 by ahoontrakul

The USA is a popular country for students from all around the world who want to study abroad, and for students from Thailand, it is one of their top destination choices. During the 2009/2010 academic year, over 8,500 students from Thailand came to study in the US. One thing many Thai students may notice is […]

Places to stay while traveling

March 18th, 2011 by ahoontrakul

So you are on your semester break and want to take a vacation somewhere, you’ve check the price for the plan ticket, now you need to find a place to stay. Accommodation is a major cost when you are traveling. Sure, you can stay in a hotel but many students are on a budget and […]

Atlas Travel Extra Assistance Services

March 11th, 2011 by ahoontrakul

Whether you’re just vacationing or studying abroad, having a good medical insurance is important. The Atlas Travel Medical plan provides comprehensive coverage in case you become sick or injured due to an accident while you are abroad. Many people know that the plan would cover your doctor visits, hospitalization, prescription medications, and evacuation, but most […]

Homestay Do’s and Don’t’s

March 4th, 2011 by ahoontrakul

If you are going to study abroad you may want to consider doing a homestay. For those who are not familiar with a homestay, it is when you stay with a local family instead of living in a dormitory or apartment. This is a great way to learn about the culture of your host country […]

Alternative Spring Break: International Volunteer Travel Programs

February 28th, 2011 by Jennifer Frankel

It’s that time of year again – Spring Break! Finally, a reprieve from school and a time to do something exciting right before school starts back up in a week or two. While some people decide to relax by the pool, others prefer to do an Alternative Spring Break volunteer travel program that will give […]

Creating a packing list for studying abroad

February 25th, 2011 by ahoontrakul

Even the most experienced traveler can sometimes forget and leave something behind; it’s important to create a packing list for each trip you are going on.  While your packing list will be different for every trip, there are some important things to consider no matter where you go: The Essentials Before you step out of […]

Preparing for your study abroad trip

February 18th, 2011 by ahoontrakul

So you did your research for your ideal study abroad program and for international scholarship opportunities, and now you’ve picked where you want to go. That’s great! But now what? Study abroad usually involves more than just picking your school, paying the plane ticket and school tuition. Early preparation is essential and will save you […]

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