For many people, the words “personal liability” can be very confusing. Not all international insurance plans in the U.S. will include personal liability and it is important to understand the coverage so you are not caught off guard.
Blog posts that address insurance issues for students around the world.
What is Major Medical insurance? Our Major Medical Insurance plan is a long-term health insurance option that provides comprehensive coverage for international students, travelers, OPT and dependents. The plan comes in 5 levels – Bronze, Silver, Gold, Gold Plus and Platinum levels. Each level provides varying coverage amounts to meet your individual needs. The plan is […]
Good news! Our Student Secure and Patriot Travel plans have also been updated for 2018, and now the plans offer even more coverage than before! Student Secure Updates Beginning on May 1st, 2018, the Student Secure plan offers more comprehensive coverage at better rates. The main highlights of the Student Secure updates include: New policy […]
In collaboration with International Medical Group (IMG), International Student Insurance is pleased to announce an exclusive and brand-new K-12 group health insurance plan! This comprehensive policy is specifically designed to provide inbound coverage for international students, specifically at the elementary and high school age. The K-12 plan is available in two levels – Standard and Platinum […]
As with most things in life, the answer to the question ‘Do international students need dental insurance?’ isn’t black and white. On one hand, it’s possible that you buy dental insurance and never use it, but on the other, you could end up using it several times (and each time thank your lucky stars). What we can be sure of, is that dental visits in the US don’t come cheap and it’s always good to hope for the best but prepare for the worst!
The Atlas Travel plan new updates are live and it has more comprehensive coverage than ever before! If you are planning a trip outside of your home country for vacation or to study abroad, you will want to have international travel medical insurance that can cover you in case the unexpected happens. New benefits like […]
It’s important to keep in mind that health insurance plans in the United States aren’t designed to cover everything and different types of insurance plans will cover different things. Ideally, an insurance plan will help cover a large portion of the bills that you incur from a doctor’s office or hospital, but there is […]
If you are an international student or traveler, we recommend that you have a health insurance plan in case there is an accident or you suffer an illness and need to seek medical attention. When it comes to choosing an insurance plan, there are many important aspects that you should consider while you travel abroad. […]