Student Insurance Category

Blog posts that address insurance issues for students around the world.

Seguro Medico Para Estudiantes Internacionales

July 26th, 2010 by International-Student-Insurance

Si usted es un estudiante internacional planeando a estudiar en otro país, es importante a saber sobre su sistema de salud. Por ejemplo, el sistema de salud en los Estados Unidos es privada y puede ser muy caro si no tenga un seguro medico. Para darse un ejemplo, una visita al hospital puede costar $2,500 […]

Your School Insurance Requirements

June 24th, 2010 by International-Student-Insurance

As the school season approaches, it is that time of year where you are beginning to receive information about your school’s insurance plan. Every school has their own insurance requirements and it may be difficult to stay up to date with this information. To help you, we have developed a school requirement resource that will […]

Finland Student Insurance – New Lower Rates

March 29th, 2010 by International-Student-Insurance

Great news for all our international students in Finland, the rates for the Atlas Travel Medical Insurance plan have been reduced. This means, on average, international student in Finland will save around $20 to $50 on their annual insurance to meet the requirements laid out by the Finland Government. The new rates for 1 year […]

Travel Insurance for Parents

February 25th, 2010 by International-Student-Insurance

So you’ve been an international student for some time now, living on your own in a foreign country. You’ve been skyping back and forth with your parents, dealing with the intermittent phone calls that are sometimes hard to coordinate with the time change. But this time they’ve announced that they are ready to come for […]

Spring Break Trip Insurance

February 3rd, 2010 by International-Student-Insurance

It’s almost that time of year again – it’s that one week off from school to kick back and relax. That is, kick back and relax in a foreign country! Whether you plan to enjoy the sun in Cancun, Mexico or if you’ll be navigating your way through the web of trains in Europe, you’ll […]

UK International Student Insurance

January 8th, 2010 by International-Student-Insurance

The UK is one of the most popular destinations for international studies.  In fact, studying in the UK is the number two choice for international students in the world, second only to the USA.  The UK offers international students an excellent higher education system and with hundreds of universities to choose from – it’s easy […]

Indian Students Studying Abroad

December 22nd, 2009 by International-Student-Insurance

After China, India sends the greatest number of students abroad. The majority of Indian students study in the United States, which is followed by Australia, the UK, Germany and Canada. Health insurance for Indian students studying abroad in important especially as health care may work differently than in India. Unlike India’s national health care, countries […]

Health insurance for Chinese students studying abroad

December 4th, 2009 by International-Student-Insurance

Chinese students make up a large portion of students studying abroad.  Health insurance is often times a big concern as most countries, colleges and Universities require that international students have it. The Atlas Travel Series is an excellent choice for health insurance for Chinese students studying abroad.  The Atlas Travel Series provides coverage to students […]

The importance of health insurance for international students

September 21st, 2009 by International-Student-Insurance

Health insurance is not only a smart idea for international students to have but it can protect you from financial burden if an unexpected illness/injury should happen. Most students are young and healthy and will rarely have medical issues. However, it’s a smart idea to have a comprehensive medical plan in place to protect you. […]

Atlas Student Travel Insurance – New Pricing

May 12th, 2009 by International-Student-Insurance

The premiums for the Atlas International plan have recently been reduced, making the popular health and travel plan more affordable than ever before. This plan works great when traveling outside your home country. This plan provides coverage for inpatient and outpatient services, prescription drugs, emergency medical evacuation, repatriation, doctor office visits, etc. This plan allows […]

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