Student Insurance Category

Blog posts that address insurance issues for students around the world.

Chinese Student Health Insurance in Quebec

September 19th, 2011 by Jennifer Frankel

While Quebec offer its citizens national health care, it is not available to international students studying in Quebec unless there is a bilateral agreement that entitles them to national health care in Canada. While China does not have an agreement, France, Denmark, Luxembourg, Norway, Portugal, and Sweden all allow students to obtain free health care […]

International Student Insurance in Chinese

September 14th, 2011 by ahoontrakul

International Student Insurance brings you interesting, useful and relevant information with our blog, Facebook and Twitter pages. We are always looking for new ways to provide more useful information to our community – and we’ve just done it again! The number of international students studying abroad has been increasing year after year. A large number […]

Chinese Student Health Insurance in Manitoba

September 12th, 2011 by Jennifer Frankel

Manitoba, a province in Canada, insures its citizens under a nationwide universal health care plan called Manitoba Health. Recently, the province has made some reforms as to the eligibility of their health insurance specifically directed at international students. As of January 19, 2011, Manitoba Health is no longer available to foreign students who only have […]

Chinese Student Health Insurance for Saskatchewan

September 5th, 2011 by Jennifer Frankel

Like many provinces in Canada, Saskatchewan offers national health care under the Saskatchewan Health program to all residence in the province. International students studying in Saskatchewan for a minimum of one year are eligible for national health benefits if they have full-time attendance at an accredited educational institution, have submitted the Student Certification, and have […]

Chinese Student Health Insurance in British Columbia

August 29th, 2011 by Jennifer Frankel

Like many provinces in Canada, British Columbia offers its citizens national health care. Known as the Medical Service Plan (MSP) in British Columbia, the national health care lawfully requires residence of British Columbia to enroll in this health care system. You may wonder, does the MSP also apply to international students, including those from China? […]

Chinese Student Health Insurance in Ontario

August 15th, 2011 by Jennifer Frankel

Ontario offers its citizens and permanent resident’s health care under the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP). If you will be a full-time student in Ontario you are ineligible for this plan unless you are independently employed. If you cannot enroll in the Ontario Health Insurance Plan, you may be required to enroll in the University […]

Pregnancy Insurance for International Students

August 10th, 2011 by ahoontrakul

Not all international student health insurance plans are the same, so it is important to know the benefits and exclusions of each insurance policy before you make your final decision on which plan is best suited for you.

Chinese Student Health Insurance in Canada

August 8th, 2011 by Jennifer Frankel

If you are planning to study in Canada, you may wonder what type of health care you are eligible for. As you may know, Canada has a nationalized health care system that is universal to both citizens and permanent residence. Whether you are eligible as a Chinese international student will depend on the province you […]

Chinese Student Health Insurance in Japan

August 1st, 2011 by Jennifer Frankel

Japan might just be one of the most interesting countries with a contrast of modernization and tradition. Ancient temples, bullet trains, futuristic cities, and the agrarian country side, Japan has it all! Although it is considered to be one of the most expensive countries in the world, you will find that studying in Japan is […]

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