Sports Insurance Category

New Student Secure Benefits for the 2024-2025 School Year

August 1st, 2024 by Jennifer Frankel

Are you an international student studying in the U.S. or planning to study in the US this year? International Student Insurance (ISI) recently rolled out significant updates to their Student Secure plan for the 2024-2025 school year, bringing you enhanced coverage and benefits. What’s New in the Student Secure Plan? The Student Secure plan, designed […]

Sports Insurance for International Students

July 20th, 2023 by Joss Jimenez

International students who participate in sports are at a greater risk of injury because they are constantly pushing their bodies to the limit and are more likely to be involved in accidents. If they practice sports frequently, it is important for international students to have sports insurance. When choosing a sports insurance plan, you must […]

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