Product Information Category

Blog posts that provide information specific to insurance products found on

New European Travel Insurance Plan

November 22nd, 2013 by Ross Mason

Since launching our first Euro based travel product over a year ago, the response and feedback from clients has been overwhelming positive that there are more travel options for them to choose from – either for those that are traveling from Europe and are used to € Euro benefits and pricing, or from those that […]

Making Insurance Purchases Easier | New Application System

August 8th, 2013 by Ross Mason

Over the last few weeks we have been working hard at developing our new online application system with the aim of making insurance purchases easier, and we are proud to announce that the new system went live yesterday, offering our clients some excellent new features and tweaks. The new system is designed to be easier […]

Follow, Fan and Circle Us on Social Media

June 6th, 2013 by Ross Mason

Social media is still on the rise, Facebook and Twitter are steadily increasing and just this week it emerged that Google+ had taken over from Twitter as the number 2 social media platform in the USA. The success of social media is that it allows you to engage and interact with people, sharing images and […]

International Student Insurance Plan Updates for 2013

April 5th, 2013 by Bryanna Davis

Just in time for Spring, our international student insurance plan updates for 2013 are complete! The Student Secure plan and Atlas Travel plan now offer even more comprehensive coverage for the new 2013-2014 school year at a reduced rate, meaning it is going to give students access to great international insurance options. Both plans have received enhancements […]

Insurance for a F2 Visa

February 1st, 2013 by Bryanna Davis

Although insurance is not federally required for F2 visa holders, it is a good idea to have coverage since health costs inside the US can be expensive. However, finding insurance for a F2 visa can sometimes be a hunt.

The Difference between Emergency Medical Evacuation and Repatriation of Remains

January 11th, 2013 by Bryanna Davis

When it comes to finding international insurance, two popular terms that shoppers will come across frequently are emergency medical evacuation and repatriation of remains. There are many country and school requirements that state individuals need to have both emergency medical evacuation and repatriation of remains in their insurance plan. To make the process of finding […]

Renew your Insurance Plan for the New Year

December 7th, 2012 by Bryanna Davis

With the New Year and semester right around the corner, many students and scholars will need to renew or extend their international insurance plan to ensure they have the coverage that their school requires. Luckily, those with the Student Secure plan or Atlas Travel plan can renew their plan in a matter of minutes online. If […]

International Student Insurance Introduced a New Online Application

November 17th, 2012 by ahoontrakul

If you are a student traveling abroad who is in need of a travel medical insurance plan, you may already know that International Student Insurance offers a popular option that provides excellent coverage at a great price – the Atlas Travel plan. Recently we have made the entire online application process even better by introducing […]

Insurance For Parents Visiting Students Oversea

November 3rd, 2012 by ahoontrakul

If you are the parent of a student studying abroad, this may be the first time that you are apart from your son or daughter for such a long time. It is natural to worry about their health and well being, many parents even decide to pay a visit overseas to check up on their […]

New European Study Abroad Health Insurance plan

September 8th, 2012 by ahoontrakul

If you are going to study abroad in Europe, we have recently launched a new plan on our website for students needing a European Study Abroad Health Insurance plan. This plan is called the Europe Travel plan, this plan is great for those looking for coverage in Europe as it meets the requirements for the […]

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