International Students in the USA Category

Blog posts that address insurance issues of importance for international students studying in the USA.

Dependent Health Insurance for J2 and F2

May 13th, 2015 by Jennifer Frankel

If your school is not offering an insurance plan for dependents, or if the plan is out of your price range, then you can purchase an individual insurance plan for your family instead.

Top 6 Cities for International Students in the USA

July 28th, 2014 by Bryanna Davis

If you already know that you want to become an international student in the US but are unsure when it comes to where to study- let our top 6 cities for international students in the US help you decide! These US cities have become popular with international students recently not just because they are host great schools- […]

5 Tips to Make Sure Your OPT Application Goes Smoothly

July 7th, 2014 by Victoria Troupe

F-1 visa holders are required to return to their home country within 60 days of graduation. The only exception, besides a visa status change, is to apply for Optional Practical Training.  Optional Practical Training (OPT) is a special opportunity for international students to further hone their skills by working in their field of study. Here are […]

Top 5 F1 Visa Interview Questions

June 9th, 2014 by Victoria Troupe

Once you make it to the F1 visa interview at the US consulate, you’ll want to be ready to tackle any questions that are thrown at you. Here is a list of the top 5 F1 visa interview questions that you can expect.

International Military Student Insurance

June 2nd, 2014 by Bryanna Davis

If you plan to come to the US to become an international military student you know that this training provides you with the experience and tools to become a future leader. However, to be an international military student you must meet a few requirements- including having adequate international student health insurance for the entire time […]

Home Remedies to Deal with Dental Pain

May 19th, 2014 by Bryanna Davis

You never realize how much dental pain can keep you from talking, eating or sleeping until it strikes. If you have a sudden tooth ache and aren’t able to visit the dentist right away- these home remedies to deal with dental pain are a great temporary fix. However, be conscious of any allergies you have […]

Fun Ways to Deal with Culture Shock

May 12th, 2014 by Victoria Troupe

International students come in many different shapes and sizes. Some are experienced world travelers while some are leaving their home for the first time. As exciting as studying in a foreign country can be, many people underestimate the probability of suffering from culture shock. Each culture is unique in different ways, and these differences can […]

Top 5 Tips on How To Compare Insurance Plans

April 28th, 2014 by Jennifer Frankel

Finding a health insurance plan that meets your needs and wallet isn’t easy. With so many options and difficult jargon, how is anyone suppose to figure out which plan is right for them? If you will be studying outside your home country, it’s important that you find an insurance plan that is suited to your […]

How does the ACA apply to me?

April 24th, 2014 by Jennifer Frankel

If you are an international student, you may be confused about how the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act applies to you. Also known as PPACA, ACA, or ObamaCare, this legislation can be confusing, especially as much of the information out there doesn’t directly speak to international students. To help you on your way, here’s […]

High School Exchange Health Insurance

April 4th, 2014 by Ross Mason

Every year, nearly 50,000 students come into the USA on the J1 visa and participant in high school exchange programs. That number also does not include the students who come in on the F1 visa, so the total number of international high school students could easily be double that. Then when you look at other […]

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