International Students in the USA Category

Blog posts that address insurance issues of importance for international students studying in the USA.

Medical Checklist Before You Travel to the USA

March 2nd, 2017 by Leah Hammond

Before traveling to the United States, it is important to make sure you follow this health tips to prevent you from spending unnecessary huge amounts the money once in the US.

Now Announcing the 2016 Travel Video Contest Winners!

November 23rd, 2016 by Sutherland Beever

The votes are in and it’s about time that you find out who wins, right? Grab a bag of popcorn and find a comfy chair, because we are now announcing the 2016 Travel Video Contest winners! After spending nearly 1,000 hours watching video after video submission, the team and panel of judges have finally decided […]

It’s That Time Again: Now Announcing the 2016 Travel Video Contest!

September 6th, 2016 by Sutherland Beever

Get your video cameras ready and your creative juices flowing because now is your chance to earn $4,000! Let’s be honest, writing, shooting and editing an amazing video about your travel experiences doesn’t happen overnight, but with a bit of hard work and a dash of creativity, your video submission could earn you the title […]

I Don’t Have Insurance, But Have Medical Bills To Pay!

August 1st, 2016 by Sutherland Beever

You’re young. You’re healthy. And then out of nowhere, you’re faced with a medical emergency, spend some time in the hospital, and are now forced with astronomical medical bills to pay.

Individual or Group Insurance – What is Right for My Group?

July 11th, 2016 by Jennifer Frankel

Many schools and organizations come to us trying to figure out how to best manage their insurance plan. Deciding whether an individual or group insurance plan is best for your students can be difficult, and will depend on your process, how much control (and how involved) you want over the insurance, ease of administration, and […]

Why you Need an International Student Insurance Plan you can Renew

February 23rd, 2016 by Bryanna Davis

If you’re like many other international students who come to the US to study, you’ll be pursuing your degree for a few years. In turn, this also means you will need a health insurance plan that you can keep during that time. While it might initially seem like a good idea to purchase a health […]

Medical Evacuation and Repatriation: Why It Matters

October 29th, 2015 by Jennifer Frankel

It’s 2 in the morning, and you can’t breathe! You are rushed to the hospital, and they need to send you to another city to get medical treatment. What do you do? In an emergency situation like this, it’s important that you pre-plan and have an insurance plan that will cover you in case the […]

Studying and Traveling in the USA, as a US Citizen!

October 8th, 2015 by Sally Mcleod

There are over 8.7 million non-military U.S. citizens currently living abroad, and each year, thousands of them come to the US to travel, study or live. For this group of American passport holders living outside of the United States, getting international health insurance when coming to the United States can prove to be surprisingly difficult. […]

How much international insurance coverage is enough?

August 11th, 2015 by Victoria Troupe

Although it is hard to know exactly how much coverage you are going to need, you can get a better idea by knowing what your visa requires, how expensive medical care is in your destination country, what you’ll be doing abroad, and your budget.

Mental Health Awareness for International Students

June 19th, 2015 by Ross Mason

We all know that traveling and studying abroad can provide you with so many rewarding benefits. But, these new experiences can also affect you in other ways, and in some cases in negative ways. Some of things that could be affecting you are: Felling helpless or hopeless Feeling sad and lonely Having mood swings Low Energy […]

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