International Students in the USA Category

Blog posts that address insurance issues of importance for international students studying in the USA.

How to transfer schools (community college or other US university)

February 14th, 2025 by Sarah McCawley

Many students transfer schools for various reasons— whether the school isn’t a great fit, they want a different program, they have changed their degree plans, or because of financial reasons. If you find yourself in a similar position, you might be wondering what the process of transferring is like and how to begin. As an […]

Developing a Budget While Studying Overseas

January 10th, 2025 by Sarah McCawley

Building a budget is a crucial step in preparing for travel. Doing so will assure that your financial situation allows you to study overseas and will lead you on a successful path so that you can enjoy your time there. Whether you are creating a budget sheet for personal financial clarity, to hold yourself to […]

Appealing a Denied Health Insurance Claim

November 15th, 2024 by Alexis Ponce

Dealing with uncovered medical expenses can be a very stressful experience that causes high levels of anxiety, especially for students and international travelers located far from home. For this reason, it’s important that you understand which are the options available to you if you disagree with your insurer’s decision to deny your claim. Appealing a […]

New Student Secure Benefits for the 2024-2025 School Year

August 1st, 2024 by Jennifer Frankel

Are you an international student studying in the U.S. or planning to study in the US this year? International Student Insurance (ISI) recently rolled out significant updates to their Student Secure plan for the 2024-2025 school year, bringing you enhanced coverage and benefits. What’s New in the Student Secure Plan? The Student Secure plan, designed […]

Alternative Insurance Plan for NYU Students

July 12th, 2024 by Maria Caballero

For international students studying at New York University (NYU), you have the option to choose the school insurance plan or select an alternative option that meets the waiver requirements. Read this article to learn more about how the waiver process works when you purchase our Student Defender plan to waive the NYU school insurance. What […]

Introducing the World Elite plan to ISI

November 1st, 2023 by Alexis Ponce

ISI is excited to announce that we’ve expanded our insurance options to cater to all different types of health insurance requirements and now, we will be introducing the World Elite plan, which is ACA-compliant and available for purchase for international students at select universities! The plan is available in three levels: World Elite Plus, World […]

Sports Insurance for International Students

July 20th, 2023 by Joss Jimenez

International students who participate in sports are at a greater risk of injury because they are constantly pushing their bodies to the limit and are more likely to be involved in accidents. If they practice sports frequently, it is important for international students to have sports insurance. When choosing a sports insurance plan, you must […]

10 Tips for Drinking Responsibly on College Campus as an International Student

January 12th, 2023 by Angela Perrilliat

For many international students, studying abroad is the first time experiencing life outside of their home country unsupervised. It is a time for growth and self discovery. One aspect of American college life that is prevalent in movies, TV, and music is partying and drinking alcohol, to the extent that everyone seems to know what […]

HIV: What you need to know, how to get tested in the U.S. and what to do if you test positive

December 14th, 2022 by Joss Jimenez

Is HIV the same as AIDS? HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a virus that attacks the white cells from the immune system. If HIV is not treated, it can lead to AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). Having HIV does not mean you have AIDS and AIDS status can be avoided with the proper medication. How is […]

What to Know About Monkeypox (like…it doesn’t come from monkeys)

September 7th, 2022 by Leslie Reynolds

A hot topic in the news around the world right now is monkeypox. Despite its name, monkeypox does not come from monkeys (there is even a campaign to rename the virus). However, it is in the poxvirus family, meaning it’s related to other pox diseases such as smallpox, cowpox, and horsepox–but NOT the common chickenpox. […]

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