Insurance Explained Category

Blog posts that explain insurance terminology and features.

End of Trip Home Country Coverage

January 21st, 2010 by International-Student-Insurance

Insurance can be quite a tricky subject especially when you are dealing with multiple countries. It is common for overseas travelers to find a travel insurance that will cover you outside your home country- but what about when you return home? With the vast number of international insurance plans, you need to choose a plan […]

Incidental Home Country Coverage

October 9th, 2009 by International-Student-Insurance

Do you plan on traveling abroad? Are you looking for an international travel insurance plan that will also cover you when you return home? This is a dilemma many travelers face when they no longer have health insurance in their country of origin. In this case, it is important to know your travel insurance plan […]

The importance of health insurance for international students

September 21st, 2009 by International-Student-Insurance

Health insurance is not only a smart idea for international students to have but it can protect you from financial burden if an unexpected illness/injury should happen. Most students are young and healthy and will rarely have medical issues. However, it’s a smart idea to have a comprehensive medical plan in place to protect you. […]

Student Secure

June 22nd, 2009 by International-Student-Insurance

Are you planning to study in the USA, or anywhere else in the world?  Then most likely you will be looking for a health insurance plan that provides coverage your school and government agencies (for visa applications) will accept? Then look no further as International Student Insurance provides you with the Student Secure plan, designed […]

Atlas America – Atlas International

June 5th, 2009 by International-Student-Insurance

The Atlas Travel Medical Insurance plan provides international travel health insurance coverage to those who are traveling outside of your home country. Available in 2 plans which include: – Atlas International – coverage anywhere OUTSIDE of the USA – Atlas America – coverage INSIDE the USA The Atlas America and Atlas International plans offer coverage […]

Trip Cancellation vs. Travel Medical Insurance

January 7th, 2009 by International-Student-Insurance

There can be some confusion in deciding which insurance plan is right for you and your trip. To help you decide you’ll want to consider the benefits that each plan offers and what would be most important to you. Trip cancellation policies cover the actual trip itself and typically provide coverage for personal effect. They […]

Health Insurance Carrier Ratings

December 12th, 2008 by International-Student-Insurance

What are insurance ratings and why are they important to me? Nothing is more important to a policyholder than the financial strength of their insurance company. You should always make sure that the plan you purchase is underwritten by a carrier with a great rating. By doing this, you can feel confident that your eligible […]

Maternity Benefits and How They Can Affect You

December 5th, 2008 by International-Student-Insurance

Insurance benefits and terms can be tricky to understand at first even to seasoned insurance buyers. However, it’s important to understand fully what your policy covers and doesn’t cover. If you don’t, you may be caught in a situation where your policy doesn’t cover it and you may have a high medical bill to pay […]

Client Zone – Manage Your Plan Online

August 6th, 2008 by International-Student-Insurance

In todays world, we are traveling much more and mobility from country to country are at all time levels. That is the same for international students, who are now traveling much more than ever before – not just to their host country, but then beyond that. That is why, as an international student, you want […]

Student Insurance Waiver Form

January 8th, 2008 by International-Student-Insurance

If you want to save yourself some money and do not want to purchase your schools international student health insurance plan, then you are at the right place. The Student Secure will meet and exceed most school insurance requirements and is generally much more affordable starting at just $33/ month for US Citizens studying abroad […]

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