Health & Safety Abroad Category

Blog posts that deal with all matters of health and safety for international travelers and students.

The Top 5 Packing Tips When Studying Abroad

May 28th, 2013 by Ross Mason

We all love international travel, but when you travel abroad for any length of time, knowing what to pack and how much to take can be a daunting task. In most cases, your school or organization you are traveling with should give you some guidance on what you should take and how much – you […]

Allergies While Studying Abroad

April 19th, 2013 by Bryanna Davis

When studying abroad, there will be a number of changes that you will need to grow accustom to in your new country. Part of the excitement of studying in a new location is that students are able to have an educational experience different than the one back home. New food, weather, customs, language and time zones are […]

Top 5 Healthiest Foods While Studying Abroad

March 22nd, 2013 by Bryanna Davis

The food that you put into your mouth does more than fill your belly, it fuels your whole body. The way your body functions reflects the quality of the food you consume, poor diet choices can lead to poor functioning while healthy diet choices can help your body work as best as possible. If you […]

Start Exercising While Being an International Student

February 15th, 2013 by Bryanna Davis

As doctor’s often recommend, exercise is a key ingredient for a healthy life. It can help maintain blood pressure, lower the risk of osteoporosis, increase flexibility, keep obesity at bay and assist in warding off depression, just to name a few benefits. While coping with the stress of an international transition and new classes, it’s […]

Fighting the Flu

January 25th, 2013 by Bryanna Davis

The US peak of flu season is here and it’s not passing by quietly. It has already become an epidemic according to the CDC and has killed 29 children/teens thus far. International students especially need to ensure they are fighting the flu as best as possible. Attending class every day, living in close quarters and […]

Insurance For Parents Visiting Students Oversea

November 3rd, 2012 by ahoontrakul

If you are the parent of a student studying abroad, this may be the first time that you are apart from your son or daughter for such a long time. It is natural to worry about their health and well being, many parents even decide to pay a visit overseas to check up on their […]

How to avoid bed bugs while traveling

October 20th, 2012 by ahoontrakul

If you are studying abroad, you will likely also do a lot of traveling to different cities and neighboring countries. With planning your excursions and studying for you classes, the last thing you may think about is keeping your bed free of bed bugs! However, with recent news about outbreaks of bed bugs, being prepared […]

Studying Abroad with a Food Allergy

October 6th, 2012 by ahoontrakul

There are many benefits to studying abroad, but if you have a severe food allergy, the thought of traveling to another country with strange food customs might give you some pause about your safety. While you have legitimate concerns, it should not stop you from experiencing the world. With some preparations, many people are now […]

Australian Athlete Student Health Insurance

August 10th, 2012 by ahoontrakul

In recent years, there have been more and more international students from Australia coming to study in the United States. In 2011 there were over 3,700 Australian international students in the US. Many of these students are athletes who will be playing in a school sport such as soccer. Many international student insurance plans do […]

Studying Abroad as a Vegetarian

April 21st, 2012 by ahoontrakul

Studying abroad is a great experience, but for many vegetarians traveling overseas it can be challenging especially if you don’t speak the language. While some foods may not appear to be made with meat, it can be difficult to tell whether your food was cooked with animal products such as a meat-based broth. If you […]

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