Health & Safety Abroad Category

Blog posts that deal with all matters of health and safety for international travelers and students.

Cheap Ways to Keep Fit in 2014

February 7th, 2014 by Ross Mason

If you are looking for ways to keep your New Year Resolution, or just looking for new ways to keep fit then our list of cheap ways to keep fit in 2014 should be right up your alley. We all know that gym memberships and other fitness tools can add up in cost, but there […]

Friday the 13th – International Superstitious Dates

December 13th, 2013 by Jennifer Frankel

Every US child knows to be careful of Friday the 13th. Ever since the 19th century, Friday the 13th has been a source of superstition. Several theories have been proposed concerning the origin of the Friday the 13th superstition, including the theory that it combines two already existing superstitions: that 13 is an unlucky number […]

Homesick? Here are 5 Ways to Overcome It

December 6th, 2013 by Jennifer Frankel

While studying abroad can seem exciting at first, you may realize soon after your arrival that you are distressed and sad about leaving home. After all, everything normal and routine is gone. Your family and friends are far away. And you may find yourself having a more difficult adjustment than you expected. Here are 5 […]

Before You Study Abroad Don’t Forget To…

October 25th, 2013 by Bryanna Davis

The trip that you’ve been dreaming of for years is finally here – not just a week cruise or weekend road trip, but a whole semester or year of cultural exploration! It’s time to study abroad, but before you do, don’t forget the following: Know where you are going  It may seem obvious, but with […]

3 Ways to Stay Health During the Flu Season

October 4th, 2013 by Jennifer Frankel

A new flu season may be starting in the United States as there have been increasing reports throughout the country. According to FluNearYou, a company that tracks flu conditions by personal reports, 2 percent of the 50,000 people enrolled in the system reported flu like symptoms – this up from 1% at the same time […]

5 Tips to Getting a Better Night’s Sleep

September 25th, 2013 by Jennifer Frankel

How well you sleep at night can greatly affect how you feel during your waking hours. If you feel sluggish or moody during the day, it could well be because you are not getting a good enough sleep at night. Many times, the secret to improving your sleeping habits can be found in your daily […]

Top 5 Mistakes To Avoid As A New International Student

August 19th, 2013 by Ross Mason

The start of the new school year is right upon us, and for many international students you will be trying to settle in, registering for all your classes and attending orientation sessions. It could also be the first time many students have been abroad, and away from your family/ friends and everything that is familiar. […]

Navigating the US Healthcare System Video

August 14th, 2013 by Ross Mason

Perhaps one of the most frequently asked questions we hear from students and schools alike, is that there are not enough resources available for international students to learn about navigating the US healthcare system. Probably one of the most complex systems in the world, we find many students are unsure of how to seek treatment […]

Top 5 Study Abroad Health and Safety Apps

July 26th, 2013 by Ross Mason

Smart phones are all over the place now, and as the cost of international roaming starts to gradually fall (as is happening within the EU), and with the rise in cheap local sim cards – we are finding that more and more students are taking their smartphones with them when they travel. Not only is […]

Is Your Roommate Making You Depressed?

July 12th, 2013 by Jennifer Frankel

Being an international student comes with many challenges. You are far from home, adjusting to a brand new culture, and possibly having to operate using a second or third language. Many international students are accustomed to being high achieving students, and may underestimate the effect that culture shock and other adjustments may have no their […]

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