Health & Safety Abroad Category

Blog posts that deal with all matters of health and safety for international travelers and students.

Preparing for your study abroad trip

February 18th, 2011 by ahoontrakul

So you did your research for your ideal study abroad program and for international scholarship opportunities, and now you’ve picked where you want to go. That’s great! But now what? Study abroad usually involves more than just picking your school, paying the plane ticket and school tuition. Early preparation is essential and will save you […]

China Study Abroad Insurance

February 11th, 2011 by ahoontrakul

China has become one of the most popular countries for study abroad students from all over the world. From the U.S.A. alone, over 13,000 students went to study abroad in China during the 2008/2009 academic year. China is currently ranked number 5 on the top destination countries visited by U.S. students, right after the UK, […]

Political Emergency Evacuation Insurance

February 4th, 2011 by ahoontrakul

After the recent political unrest in Egypt and Tunisia, we thought it would be important to mention political evacuation insurance plans. Political turmoil in a country can cause problems for many people around the worlds not just for those living in the country. What if you are in a foreign country traveling or studying abroad […]

European Winter Travel Chaos

December 20th, 2010 by International-Student-Insurance

As you have probably seen in the news, winter weather is causing chaos all over parts of Europe including the UK, Germany, Belgium, France and the Netherlands. The cold snap, which has been around for around a week now is causing heavy snow and temperatures as low as -20 degrees celsius to parts of the […]

Study Abroad Depression

March 5th, 2010 by International-Student-Insurance

Studying abroad is a fun and exciting journey; however once you are abroad it may be much more difficult than you originally expected. Not only are you in a new environment, but you are also away from the familiarity of family and friends. Understandably, it is not uncommon for some students to experience depression. According […]

H1N1 not as severe as first thought

December 11th, 2009 by International-Student-Insurance

The latest information released this week shows that the H1N1 (swine flu) virus is not expected to be as severe as first thought. Many experts were predicting that the start of the northern hemisphere winter period was going to trigger the start the pandemic of the H1N1 flu virus, but latest figures are showing that […]

International Major Medical Insurance

October 9th, 2009 by International-Student-Insurance

You should consider an international major medical insurance plan when traveling or living outside your home country. These plans can protect you from high medical costs if the unexpected happens like an illness, accident or injury. International major medical plans usually come with much more comprehensive benefits like, maternity, mental health, wellness and optional dental […]

Emergency Numbers When Abroad

July 7th, 2009 by International-Student-Insurance

After recently talking with a client about accessing emergency services around the globe, and also running into this excellent article by Matador Abroad concerning all the ways to access emergency services around the world – we thought it would be a great idea to post this to our blog to support our customers around the […]

Health and Travel Insurance for Swine Flu

April 29th, 2009 by International-Student-Insurance

In recent news, the Swine Flu is spreading worldwide with primary symptoms including fever, coughing, chest discomfort, headaches, and body pains. In more serious cases, infection has led to death. The World Health Organization has also confirmed that this respiratory virus in humans has been officially reported in several countries including Mexico, Peru, Switzerland, Germany, […]

Health Insurance Carrier Ratings

December 12th, 2008 by International-Student-Insurance

What are insurance ratings and why are they important to me? Nothing is more important to a policyholder than the financial strength of their insurance company. You should always make sure that the plan you purchase is underwritten by a carrier with a great rating. By doing this, you can feel confident that your eligible […]

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