New Database for College Insurance Requirements!

Applying to become an international student and studying outside of your home country can be a daunting task at times. So, many things are going through your mind and you must remember to have certain forms properly filled out, meet deadlines, find enough money to fund your education and then travel thousands of miles to a school that you may have only visited once. If you find yourself in this predicament, you may want to visit to help you learn more about the USA. This site has a very helpful Study USA Advice Center.

So, then your school tells you that you must have health insurance either through their provider or an alternate provider which you must find on your own means. You learn though that the alternate insurance plan must meet certain requirements. These requirements are usually extensive and can be quite confusing. At this point, you may just want to throw up your hands and pay the school’s insurance fee. However, it may well be worth the time and effort locating a new plan. In a lot of cases, the school’s insurance plan can cost you double what alternate plans may cost. So, to make your life a little bit easier, we’ve added a school insurance requirements database to our website.

This feature will allow you to look up your school by state and identify whether or not our Student Secure Health Insurance plan will meet your school’s requirements. Instead of searching for hours for an inexpensive and acceptable plan on the internet, you will now have the tool to know right away. Through our extensive research, we have identified which level of our plan meets your school’s requirements. Inevitably, this will save you time and money and the guesswork will be minimized.

Click here to view the School Insurance Requirements Database for colleges or universities in the U.S.

If you do decide to waive your school’s insurance policy, then you’ll want to check with your school and see if you need to complete a compliance form. Once you sign and complete this form, we can fax it to your school. Also, once you apply for the plan, you will receive all of your insurance documents via e-mail if you opt for online fulfillment. This e-mail will be sent to you right away and will contain your insurance card, letter of coverage, explanation of benefits and receipt.

We will be updating this list on a continuous basis. If you do not find your school on the list and still have questions in regards to your school’s requirements then please do not hesitate to contact us.

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